The Nerd

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I really do NOT understand when the main character of literally EVERY TEEN FICTION book is a nerd who happens to be good at every subject except P.E.

Like, honey, being good in P.E. have ABSOLUTELY no correlation with being a nerd. Apparently, nerds can't be good at sports. What kind of twisted logic is that? Somebody please show me statistics of smart people failing in P.E.???

Also, the nerd happens to be bullied by the popular kids for god-knows-what-reason. WAIT, HOLD UP, so the popular kids can't be smart? They have to fail every subject (except for P.E. of course) to become popular? Oh, I didn't know being smart demeans you reputation. 

I mean, come on, in what world is purposely failing in school cool?

ALSO, why is the nerd always wearing glasses? I'm sure that glasses don't automatically give people As (and apparently the nerd always call herself ugly but is always casted as some pretty A-list actress or model).

IRL, everyone loves nerds and aspires to be one. Who doesn't want to have that scholarship/acceptance letter sitting in front of them?

(But seriously, the nerdy main character in ALL Wattpad books are usually hella dumb. Like they literally have ZERO common sense.)

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