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"Did he call you?"

"Ah. Yeah."


"2 weeks ago I think?"


"Hyung he didn't go to New York to have a vacation okay? He went there to fix things so he should be busy everyday."

"But Jungkook, even though he's busy, he should find time to call you or check up on you like what the fuck?! It's his responsibility to do that just to remind you."

"Hyung, I need to understand his situation. I can't be selfish and tell him to always check up on me like I can't do anything by myself. He's my husband hyung, not my mother."

"You're not getting my point Jungkook! You two should talk to each other for atleast 2 hours a day to remind yourselves that you're committed with each other. Why? Because one of you might forget that you have a husband. And for the record, Jimin has the higher chance of doing that."

"Jin hyung we both know that Jimin hyung can't do that."

"How can you say so Jungkook? There's a lot of good looking people in New York! And I know that he'll meet people there and--"

"Please stop it hyung."


"Jimin hyung loves me and only me so please stop predicting that he's going or having an affair right now because that's not going to happen."

"Fine. But Jungkook please always remember that I'm telling you this to avoid you getting hurt."

"But hyung.. aren't you hurting me right now?"

"I'm sorry.."

"It's okay hyung."

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