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"Goodmorning Mr. Kim, I'm sorry if I made you fly all the way to New York immediately. But you know it's because you're the best doctor in the field of--"

"Stop all the compliments and tell me where the patient is."

"Yes doc."


"H-hyung I don't even know what happened. He just called me then sang paper hearts then told me he's sorry then fcking told me that he want a divorce like that doesn't make any fcking sense!"

"Kookie calm down."

"Hyung how can I calm the fuck down?! I always try to understand his situation even though most of the time I feel hurt! I always try and hold onto his promises because I trusted him but why did all of a sudden he wants a divorce? Am I not good enough? Am I not understanding? Or maybe he finds me boring in bed?!"

"Kookie we both know Jimin is not like that."



"Namjoon you really love to ruin--"

"Jimin hyung why are you doing this to me?"



"Pack your things...

We're going to New York."

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