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Aria POV:

I woke up the next morning and smiled at the thought of what happened last night, I turned over on Ezra's large king size bed and saw a small Daisy playing with her hair, "morning hunny!" I said with my scratchy voice
"Morning mama, can we go and see Ezra now?" She asked, I adored the relationship that they had formed over the past 2 days, I can't wait until she finds out that he is her father.
"Let's go see if he's awake" I replied
I quickly tied my hair into a messy bun and washed my face and then we both tip toed into the living room to see if Ezra was awake.

"EZRA! EZRA! CAN WE MAKE PANCAKES?" Daisy screamed with the most enthusiasm ever
"DAISY DAISY!" Ezra imitated "of course we can young lady"
And with that they walked into the kitchen leaving me behind In the lonely living room.

I walked into the kitchen full of small giggles, "you guys left me by myself" I pouted
"Sorry mummy! Ezra's getting me with the pancakes" meaning the pancake batter.
I walked over to the counter top and kissed Daisy's forehead, Ezra rubbed my back with his hand and rummaged through the tangles in my hair making me blush, I didn't know what we were but I knew that I loved him and I feel like he felt the same, I want to be with Ezra.

Once we had finished eating our delicious pancakes, we got changed ready to go to the farm park, Daisy got dressed into a purple tangled t-shirt and some denim jeans as it was quite chilly outside and I wore a black shirt and leopard trousers with some black converse, once we were all ready we got into Ezra's silver toyato and drove to the farm park.

When we reached the gates Daisy screeched, "I love it here! Gramma took me!" She calls my mum gramma since she could never pronounce 'grandma'.
"Daisy shall we go see the animals then?" I asked
"Of course mummy lead the way!" She instructed
We travelled around the park for hours with Ezra occasionally rubbing and holding my hand, we reached a restaurant called 'lions café' and decided to go in for some lunch.

I ordered a chicken salad, Ezra ordered steak pie and Daisy had pasta and garlic bread, "mummy and Ezra? Are you two together? Because I saw you holding hands and you kissing last night when I was supposed to be asleep" she said looking to the floor at the last part.
"Ummm, I'm not sure, that's something that Ezra and I need to talk about together, and sometimes people hold hands and kiss because they are friends and want to show each other" I replied blushing
"But mummy, what about Jake?" Daisy shot another question
"Daisy, Jake is a mean man and mummy doesn't like Jake so we have to get away from him ok?" I said trying to make it so a 3yr old could process it.

After we had finished eating our lunch and talked about all the animals, it was getting quite late, around 4 o'clock, so we decided to drive home, but before we left Daisy wanted to go into the gist shop, she picked out a pink glittery elephant teddy and then she begged for some candy floss, "mama pleaseeeeee" she begged
"Just this once Mrs." I tapped her nose

All the way back Daisy was figuring out a way to eat her candy floss properly without getting it all over her face, which was proving difficult as she now had aluminous pink cheeks, nose and lips. The whole drove was full of laughs from Ezra and I whilst Daisy was becoming more and more frustrated at the minute but laughing at the same time.

As we reached the set of apartments, we raced Ezra up the stairs and beat him to his apartment. As we got in we all fell on to the sofa, Ezra looked at me and then at Daisy motioning that now is the time.
"Daisy, we have something serious to talk about" Ezra and I said in unison.
"Are you two together?" She questioned
"I'm not sure, but Daisy do you know how I always told you that Jake is not your real daddy?" I asked
She nodded in response
"Well, I'm sure that you'll be happy about this, but Ezra is your real daddy" I explained
She jumped up in excitement "YAYAYAY! I finally have a daddy who I like!" She squeeled
"I'm happy that you like me" Ezra said relived
"She has no reason not to" I smiled
"Come on daddy and mummy let's watch a movie" Daisy was definitely over excited.
We all decided on finding dory as it was new and none of us had watched it.

The movie was full of smiles and us all cuddling up to Ezra and him kissing my hair, until half way through there was a harsh knock on the door, " I'll get it you stay with Daisy" I said while holding his hand in mine.
As I opened the door I saw the very Face I was afraid of, "Jake?" I spoke with fear.

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