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*6 months later*
Aria POV;
I was so happy right now, Daisy finally knew about Ezra and I being together, Jake is locked away and I could finally live my life in peace.

Today I was going to see Emily, Hanna and spencer, Ali moved away after her mum died as being in rosewood brought back to many memories but we still visit regularly. Ezra and I had been together for around 6 months now and he finally made me feel happy about myself, he never forced me into anything I didn't want to do, but recently I have been forget to about my past events and moving on with my family.

"Aria!"Ezra called from the bedroom "Daisy wants to say goodbye!"
"Are you sure she's the only one?" I said seductively
"I'm about 1% sure" he laughed
"Ooh, what's that one percent?" I asked
"Not wanting you to go at all" Ezra pulled me into him by his waist and kissed me passionately
"We can't do this right now" I said whilst kissing him
"No we can't" he smiled
"I love you" I said between kisses
"I love you too"
"Bye bye baby girl!" I frowned pulling Daisy into my chest and kissing her forehead
"I love you momma" Daisy squawked
"I love you too!" I mimicked her
And with that I grabbed my phone, keys and bag and ran out of the door.

When I arrived at Spencer's barn, a wave of nausea flew over me. I ran into the toilet without even saying hello, "aria are you ok?" Hanna asked whilst holding my hair
"I'm sure I'll be fine, it's probably something I ate" I replied but not convincing myself.

We all sat around Spencer's coffee table drinking and having snacks, "so where's my little princess" Emily pouted
"She's with Ezra, they're going to the park and then getting ice cream." I explained
"We should go shopping!" Hanna interrupted
"Wow Hanna spur of the moment, but I'm up for it if everyone else Is?" Spencer laughed
"Yeah of course" Emily and I said In unison.

We all hopped in Spencer car and blasted 'shawn Mendes - treat you better' through the speakers screaming every word until we arrived at the shopping mall.

"OO! OO! I need to go to forever 21!" Hanna squealed
"Sure" we all laughed
I found some really cute black slip on shoes for myself and a floral print knee length dress so I went to try it on in the changing room, "Hanna! Does this look ok?" I doubted
"OMG! Aria you look amazing" she danced
We bought our items and carried on shopping around, I bought another dress, a white cropped short and some black shorts, a Cinderella dress for Daisy, some Disney barbie dolls to go with it and some Hershey's for Ezra as it was his favourite.

We sat down in a small cafe for some lunch as we were all getting quite hungry now, "guys I'm just going to go to the bathroom quickly"!i said whilst running away. I ran into the women's bathroom and threw up again, something didn't seem right, I walked over to the pharmacy and Into the pregnancy area looking for 3 of the best tests I could find, without realising mix Spencer tapped me on my shoulder, "Aria, What's going on?" She asked
"Spence what does it look like?" I replied crying "what if this is to soon? What if he isn't ready for more children?"
"Aria I'm sure he will be, you see the way he acts towards Daisy, he loves her and is probably upset that he missed out on the first 3 years of her life because of some terrible human being, even if he takes it as a shock to start with don't worry because he will be over the moon about it when he has another baby who he can love, you and Ezra have been together for 6 years on and off, he loves you unconditionally and if 6 years isn't enough to show that then I have no clue what is, even a stranger walking down the street could see that you were madly in love with each other, he will support you with your choices, Aria" Spencer kindly spoke
"Thank you Spence, I love you" I sobbed
"I love you too" she smiled

After buying the tests, and tissues, I wiped my eyes clean and applied some more makeup to make it look like I hadn't been crying, then we went back to the cafe and ordered our lunch, "what took you so long?" Emily raised an eyebrow.
"Don't worry Em, I just needed some sparia love" i smiled
"Has Ezra hurt you? I swear to god!" Hanna screamed
"No Han, it's not like that" I laughed
"Good, because I will crush his scones!" She said with a very serious tone
We all laughed at Hannas statement whilst eating our delicious lunches.

After devouring our plates we all hopped back into Spencer's car and drive back to her barn in a quieter way this time. I didn't want to stay with my friends for much longer, I wanted to get back to Ezra and cuddle him and Daisy and tell him that I might be pregnant because I miss them both so so much.

When we arrived back, I hugged the girls goodbye and it into my car, my hands started to sweat on the wheel as I thought about what Ezra might say, but I kept my head up high and reminded myself of what Spencer told me, 'any stranger could tell that you two are madly in love' I smiled.

As I pulled up to the small apartment that I now live in, I sat there for 5 minutes just going over what I would say to Ezra, how I would explain it until I was broken out of my thoughts by a small knock on the Window "MUMMY! Your back!" Daisy happily shouted
"Yes mummy's back!" I smiled
"Hey baby" Ezra kissed my forehead
"Hello hunny" I kissed him back
We walked hand in hand to his apartment with Daisy sat on my hip resting her head in the crook of my neck.

When we reached the apartment Daisy had fallen asleep, "I guess the ice cream and running about tired out this little muffin" I giggled
"I guess so" Ezra laughed
I changed Daisy into her pyjamas and tucked her into her bed next to her thousands of teddies that she like to keep her safe, then I slowly walked into the living room and snuggled myself into Ezra's embrace.

Half way through our favourite black and white movie, I broke the comfortable silence, "Ezra?" I asked
"Yes baby" Ezra coughed
"I - I - I think i might be pregnant."

Soulmates  ~ Aria and EzraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora