F I V E / Y E A R S / L A T E R

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"Lois grab your stuff" I shouted to my stroppy 5 year old
"I'm not going today mummy!" She stormed into my room
"Ezra please tell her" I begged
Ezra and I are now happily married with three children, Daisy, Lois and Brodie.
Daisy is now 8,
Lois is 5,
Brodie is 3
"Lo, you have to go to school! Otherwise you will have a rubbish job when you are older!" Ezra explained
"Like what?" Lois sassily spoke
"Like... working in McDonald's!" Ezra burst
"Mm yummy I like McDonald's!" She jumped around
"Lois! You have to go to school!" I shouted
"What's going on in here?" Daisy came into the room with Brodie on her hip
"Lois, she doesn't want to go to school" I huffed
"Lo, you have to go to school! Anyway it's fun!" Daisy kindly spoke to Lois
"Ok! Can you do my hair day day?" Lois said
And with that they walked out of the room
"How the hell does she do it" I lifted my arms
"You're just stressed" Ezra walked over to me
"I don't want to be, gosh I love you" I said
"I love you too" he said whilst cupping my face
In between Ezra and i's make out session, Brodie started crying "times up" I said "coming brod"

I took the kids to school and Ezra went to his job, he still works at rosewood high school, I work from home as It's hard to find someone to look after Brodie in the day.

Once we arrived home, I made Brodie and I a drink and we sat on the sofa and watched movies all day. At about 12, Ezra came in the door, "where's 2 of my favourite people?" He shouted
"Dada!" My son screeched
"What are you doing home early" I asked whilst kissing him
"The school had a problem in the lab and the alarm kept going off so they sent everyone home" he laughed
"Ok," I laughed "do you want to go out and do something with us?" Gesturing to Brodie
"Sure, what were you thinking?" He asked
"Maybe that new trampoline place that just opened?" I asked
"Yeah sure!" Ezra said enthusiastically
"Trampoline!" Brodie shouted

We carried on with our day and picked our 2 daughters up from school, I was so content and happy with my life now, I had the perfect family, marriage, and children.

This took so long! Awh Im sad it's over :( however I have loads of ideas for more books so stay tuned. This book has been my first and for it to get 1k views so quickly is amazing! I love you all 💕

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