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Ezra POV:
"Are - Are you sure?" I stuttered
"Pretty sure, I have been sick 3 times today and I'm late" aria looked down
"How late?" I just couldn't understand
"2 weeks" she shyly spoke
"Ezra I'm so sorry!" She sobbed
"Aria, I told you once that I never wanted to hear you were sorry again, it takes two to make a baby and just because your the one carrying it doesn't mean it's all your fault" I convinced her, "I love you wether your pregnant or not, we are just expanding our family"
"Ezra, thank you so much" she kissed me.

For the rest of the night we cuddled, I can't believe aria was worried about my reaction, yeah it's a shock we have only been together for 6 months, well Technically 6 years, but oh well. I love her and Daisy dearly and I would do anything for them.

Aria POV:
I really don't think that Ezra and I and prepared and ready for another child, but we have always said about how much we are against abortion, even from early days in our relationship 6 years ago, at least he said that he would support me and I can tell he meant it.

After the movie had finished, we both clambered into the bed and I snuggled up to his chest, enjoying his sweet scent and love that he expressed for me, "good night my angel, we will get through this" Ezra sweetly spoke
"I love you" I whispered
"I love you too" he replied

I woke up to Daisy crying and Ezra trying to get her to calm down, "but daddy I just want my mummy!" She sobbed
"Mummy's sleeping right now dais, she'll be up soon and can kiss it better then!" Ezra assured her
And with that I crawled out of bed to care for Daisy's needs.

"What's wrong dais?" I questioned
"I had a bad dweam" she cried,
"Can you tell me what it was about?" I doubted
"Yes, actually, meanie Jake came back" her cries got louder and louder as she snuggled her head into my chest, I kissed the top of her head to show her she was safe
"You're safe now baby, mummy and daddy will never let you go" I smiled

We sat down on the sofa watching a movie whilst Ezra made special pancakes to cheer Daisy up, "come on dais, let's go set the table while daddy finished breakfast" I said whilst licking her up and walking to the kitchen.

Once we set the table, we all sat down and ate out pancakes, "thank you Ezra! These are delicious!" I awarded
'Thank you gorgeous" I blushed at his kind words

After breakfast, we got ready for the day, we were taking Daisy to my mum and dads house, so that we could make sure that I was pregnant before we made any changes to our life style. "Right is everyone ready?" Ezra asked
"I think so, Dais we're going now!" I shouted
"Coming mama!" God she is so cute!
As we all strapped into the car, I put the radio on because my parents house was about 10 minutes away, when i turned the radio on, stitches by shawn Mendes came on,
I thought that I've been hurt before, but no ones ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me Back to life, got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
And move on
We all screamed at the top of our lungs, laughing when the song finished, thinking about how wacky and wonderful our family really is.

Once we reached my parents house, I grabbed Daisy's backpack from the back of the car and carried her inside, "she's eaten breakfast but might get a bit peckish around 12, her nap time is 11 and she has some toys in her bag and-" my mum cut me off
"I was a mother of a three year old, twice aria, I know how to look after her" we laughed at my stupidness
"Ok well we really have to get going, love you mum, love you baby!" I said kissing them both
"Bye!" I shouted

The car ride was silent, but not awkward, it never was with Ezra. "Maybe this isn't the bad thing that we are both making it out to be?" I broke the silence
"I'm positive it's not, we are extending our family which is the best present you can give me, but I'm just not sure if we are ready for this as a couple" he assured
"Ezra, we've basically been together for 6 years, we already have a child together, and you love Daisy, dearly, and she loves you too, raising a child may seem hard, but seriously I'm sure with two of us it will be much easier, I love you, so much, and I hope you feel the same way about me, because if we love each other so much, and we both love Daisy to, then what's so scary about a second child?" I said, a stray tear falling down my cheek
"I'm so sorry Aria, I love you and Daisy so much, I'm just scared. I've never raised a child before, I wish I had but that's nobody's fault but jakes, I really want this baby, I have always wished to have a large family and for you to be the mother of my child, I love you" he kissed my hair.

The rest of the ride consisted of me leaning my head on Ezra's side whilst listening to the vague music in the background, when we reached the hospital, Ezra opened my door for me and we intertwined our fingers together whilst leaning into each other's side the whole walk to the entrance, we were waiting for about 10 minutes until the doctor Called our name, "Fitz?"
We Walked towards the door that would tell our future, "okay if you would please lie on the bed Aria, and we can confirm wether you are pregnant or not!" The doctor instructed.
"Ezra, would you like to spread this gel on arias stomach? Beware, it may be cold!" He asked
Ezra massaged the gel onto my stomach whilst we both smiled into each other's eyes, with pure dedication, love, and passion. God I loved this man!
"Ok then! Right lets have a look around..." The doctor said joyfully, "in pleased to announce that you ante indeed pregnant!"
I shot Ezra a large grin and he returned it with a passionate kiss onto my lips.

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