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Octavia's p.o.v
As I stepped out of Sky's apartment onto the street the air was cold but it didn't bother me. I shouted goodbye to her from the bottom of the steps and then I started to walk. The sky stared to get dark with every step I took, as I turned into the alleyway that lead to my house the only source light was coming from the street lights. As I walked down the alley the light dimmed as there was no street lights in the alley, I took my phone out of my pocket and turned on my flash light. As I walked further down I thought I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't turn round to look I just told myself that I was imagining it. Even though I had told myself it wasn't really I still started to walk faster. As I turned the corner in the alley I looked behind me quickly just to make sure there was nothing there. I jumped when I saw a hooded figure walk about three meters behind me. I quickly turned back round and stared to walk even faster nearly jogging. I could hear foot steps getting closer and closer behind me. I reached into my pocket and took out my keys placing a different key in between each one of my fingers. I took a turn in the alley way that I had never been down before just to see if this person was following me. The turning lead to a main road. I walked down the street along side the road trying to look out the corner of my eye to see if the person was still behind me and they were. I the person was wearing a green hoodie with grey joggie bottoms and black trainers. I turned and walked into a 24 hour newsagents hoping that my follower wouldn't see me. I walked up to the back of he shop pretending to look at the bread. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and tried to turn it on but I wouldn't light up, it was dead. I slipped it back into my pocket want went to walk out of the shop. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the person who had been following me standing out side the shop. I walked over to the till but no one was there and there was no one else in the shop. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to get read to run back to the alley. I ran out the shop and down the street, I could hear the person feet hitting of the ground as they ran after me but I didn't turn to look I just kept running.
I reach the alley and I was out of breath,I needed to stop running but I couldn't. As I turns the corner and stray dog ran out of the darkness right in front of me causing me to trip and fall in the ground. I could hear the persons foot steps slowing down as they reached me and then they stopped. The person was standing right behind me. I could hear them breathing heavily. I pushed off my hands and jumped to my feet and tried to run but the person grabbed my wrist tight. I started to scream and I tired to shake them off but they just tightened their grip and moved closer to me coving my mouth with their hand. They pulled me back up against the wall.
"Scream and I'll hurt you"
His voice was low and intimidating. I slowly nodded and he removed his hand from my mouth.
"This way"
He tugged on my wrist and stared to walk. When I put my body weight on my right foot it sent shooting pains up my leg and I let out a quiet whimper. I had twisted it when I fell over the stay dog. I guy just kept walking down the alley and onto a street I didn't know. We finally stopped out side a small house. He pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door, pushing me inside once he had opened it and once we were both inside he locked it agin. He took my by my wrist and lead me up the stairs into a bedroom. He sat me down on the bed and let go of my wrist. He then walked out if the room closing the door and locking it behind him. I pulled my legs up to my chested and rested my head no my knees. I felt tears roll down my face and I started to slowly rock back and forth trying to clam my self. I was scared, I didn't know where I was, who's house I was in, why I was there and all wanted was to go home. I lay down on the bed and shut my eyes.

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