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Octavia's p.o.v
Louis had been go for about two hours. I was watching so shitty day time show when I hear something smash in the kitchen causing me to jump. I got up and walked down to the kitchen to see want it was. The door was closed and I could hear someone walking around in the room. I couldn't Louis because I would have heard him come in. I opened the door a crack to see and tall hoodie man standing with his back to me. He mush have heard me open the door because he turned on the spot and looked directly at me. I jumped back from the door and ran up the stairs to the bedroom. I could hear him following me. I swung the door shut and dived under the bed and lay there. The door opens only a few seconds later and the hooded man walked in.
"Octavia this is no time for hide and seek. Come out"
'How did he know my name?' I lay as still as I could trying not to breath loud.
"Come out, come out where every you are."
He walked up and down the room.
"I'm not going to hurt you. That's not my job."
He laughed. Under the bed was dusty and I could feel myself wanting to sneeze but I knew I couldn't. I tried my best not to but I did.
The hooded man walked over to the bed and pulled me out. His face was pasty white and he had a big scar down the left side of it. He grind when he got me. The picked me up and put me over his shoulder. He walked down the stair and into the kitchen. I could see what he was doing but one second we where in Louis kitchen and the next we where out on the street but not the same one that Louis house was on. The man put me down and tied a rope around my wrist and tugged on it forcing me to walk down the cold dark street.
We walked for ages before dropping out side a large building. The man pressed the buzzer and a voice came over it.
It was a woman's voice.
"I have something for Lucas"
"Who is this"
I heard a loud buzzing nose and Brody opened the door. We walked up and long set of stairs. We stopped out side of a dark brown door. Brody nocked on the door. A deep voice shouted from the other side
"Who is it"
"Brody my lord. I have something for you"
"Come in"
Brody opened the door. The room was dark but I could still see. At the far end of the room was three steps that led to three seats that sat side by side. In one of them sat and older man with brown and grey hair another was owned by a younger man that looked about 40. The chair in the middle was being sat in by the youngest looking out of the three. This man has blond hair, he was wearing a blood red cloak and a silver crown onto of his blond hair. He face grew a smile as he set his eyes on me.
"My lord I present you with Octavia Linwood"
"Ah, Brody you have done well"
The man got out of his seat and walked down the steps towards me. Froze on the spot as he run his hand through my hair.
"So young. Maybe even to young"
He shot his head back to the other two men and the nodded in agreement with him.
"Octavia how old are you?"
He asked me coldly
"I-I'm 17"
I spoke in a whisper but I kept my eye contact with him. His face went from white to red and he raised his hand and it landed on Brody's face.
"Stupid. She is not yet of age"
"Sorry my lord I did not know. I though she was older. She was already in his care"
"She was what"
"Yes my lord. I found her in his house"
Brody spoke fasted and jumped on some words.
"So the careers already handed her over to him"
"Yes my lord"
A smile came back to his face and he looked at me placing his hand on my chin.
"This means that he will come looking for her."
He turned and went back to his seat.
"This means that we will soon have a new guard dog"
His smile turned to a grind. I didn't understand anything if what he was saying. My careers. Did he mean my mum?
"Brody take her down the cages and lock her up. He should be here soon and that's when the fun starts"
Brody pulled on the rope and we left the room and went back down the stairs. We walked down pasted the door we came in and down another set of stairs. We reached another tall brown door and Brody opened it. It smelled like death. I could see anything but Brody could because he lead me to a small cell and locked me in it. I watched as he walked away.

Watcher- Louis Tomlinson Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora