Locked up

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Octavia's p.o.v
I woke up but I didn't open my eyes. The room was cold. I pulled the covers up to my eyes and just lead there for a while. I opened my eyes when I heard foot steps out side of the room. I sat up in the bed. There was a clicking noise out side the door and then it opened. Standing in the door way was a brown haired topless man. His arms where covered in different tattoos. He raises his left hand and pulled out the cigarette from his lips breathing out smoke as he did. I just looked at him. He was very intimidating.
I didn't say anything, I just moved my head in in a way that meant no.
He turned on the spot shutting the door and then I hear the quiet clicking noise again. I looked around the room but there wasn't really anything in it. A small box tv sat in the left hand corner, a half full book shelf was up against the wall by the door, the bed was across from the door and above it was a skylight window. I got up and walked over to the tv trying to turn it on but I didn't work. I walked over the the book shelf and read the names of the books.'S.M.A.R.T' 'Harry potter' 'silent treatment' 'quiet nights'. I walked back over to the bed and just sat there think about what was going to happen to me. Was this man going to kill me or rape me. All these thoughts ran through my head.
About 2 hours had passed since the man had asked me if I was hungry. I was sitting in the bed playing with my hair when I heard the clicking noise and the door opened. The man stood there fully dressed this time with no cigarette. He walked over to the bed and sat next to me not saying anything. I started to shake a bit. I stared to bite my nails to not show that I was shaking. The man looked at me a smirked.
"I'm not going to hurt you"
I didn't speak, I just looked down at the bed sheets.
"I'm Louis"
I looked up at him for a split second and then back down to the bed sheets.
"I-I'm Octavia"
"I know"
His voice sent a cold chill down my spine. He got up off the bed and walked out the room locking the door behind himself.

I sat on the bed crossed legged trying to hold in my pee but I need to go. I got up and walked over to the door. I tried the handle even though I knew it was locked. When it didn't opened I raised my hand and knocked on the door three time and waited listing out for foot steps. Two seconds later I hear the click and the door was opened.
"I-I need the toilet"
Louis grabbed my wrist and lead me down the hallway to a small bathroom. He opened the door and I walked in. He stood and wait as I went. Once I had finished and ones the door again he took my wrist and instead of taking me back to the bedroom he took me down stair to the living room. He sat me down on the sofa and then left the room returning with two plates in his hands, He passed me one. The plate consisted of chips and a burger. Louis turned on the tv and both ate the food. Once we where done he took the plates back through to the kitchen. I quietly got up of the sofa and walked to the door way. I could hear Louis running the tap in the kitchen. I stepped out of the door way and headed down the hallway to the front door. I placed my hand on the door handle and tried to pull it down.
"It's locked"
I jumped when I heard his voice. I could hear his foot steps walking towards me and I froze. He stopped walking and placed his hand on my shoulder with a tight grip. I didn't want to turn round. I started to shake slightly.
"Do you think I'm that stupid"
He spoke louder With a deeper tone to his voice. I didn't answer him.
"Do you really think I would leave the door unlocked"
His grip got tighter and I dropped my arm from the door handle.
"Y-your hurting me"
I spoke in a whisper. He didn't loosen his grip. It got tighter.
"I'm not stupid"
He pushed his thumb into my shoulder blade. I let out a whimper. He pulled me round so I was facing him. His face was red with anger.
"I-I know. I'm sorry"
I moved my eyes from him to the ground. He took his hand off my shoulders and walked back into the kitchen. I stood there for a minute before following down the hallway. I stood in the door way to the kitchen and watched as he washed the plates.
"Instead of just standing there get a towel and start drying the dishes."
I moved quickly picking up the towel from on top of the counter and I started to dry the dishes.
Once we had finished Louis took me through to the living room and sat me back down on the sofa and placed himself next to me. He turned on his Xbox and put on Netflix. He picked a film that I had never seen. Half way though the film I could feel my eyes trying to close themselves. I tried to fight it for as long and I could but I felt myself drifting way.

Louis p.o.v
I paused the film about 25 minutes before it ended. Octavia was curled up in a ball at the other end of the sofa. I stood up and walked down the hallway to the small cupboard. I opened it picked up a blanket and then shut it again. I walked into the kitchen with the blanket under my arm. I took a cigarette out from the packet placing it in between my lips then lighting it. I took the blanket and an ash tray back though to the living room. I put the blanket over Octavia and I sat back down and played the film. Once the film was finished I gently picked up Octavia and carried up to the room placing her on the bed with the blanket coving her. I walked over to the book shelf and picked out a book. I walked back over to the bed placing myself next to her. Every couple minutes I would look up from the page and make sure she was okay.
It was about 1am when I finally out the book down. I took off my t-shirt and turned the lap off laying down next to Octavia.

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