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Octavia's p.o.v
I opened my eyes to find myself laying with my arm on Louis chest and one of my legs on top of his. I quickly rolled onto the over side of the bed and sat up. I stood up and walked down the hallway to the bathroom. When I opened the door to leave Louis was standing waiting on my.
He said smiling at me. I didn't reply to him I just tried to walked pasted him but he grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear.
"Your really quiet aren't you"
I pushed him off me which was a bad move. He grabbed me and pushed me to the floor of the bathroom.
"Don't you ever do that again"
He started to walk towards me and I moved backwards and sat with my back up against the sink.
He stood over me and raised his hand. I flinched as it came down and hit me on the side of the face. Louis grabbed me pulling me up like I was weightless. He dragged me down the hall and throw me into the room. I ran to the bed and backed up into a corner. He walked into the room with his fists clenched. He walked up the side of the bed and I buried my face into my knees and just sat there waiting on him hitting me. When I looked back up I saw him leaving the room and then the clicking nose rang through me ear. I sat on the bed and cried. All I wanted was to go home and be in my own house with my mum and younger brother. When I thought of them I wonder if I would ever see them again. I wonder if Louis would ever let me go back to them.

I heard the front door open and then close agin. I walked over to the window and watched as Louis got in his car and drove off down the road. Once he was out of sight I ran to the door and started to hit it and kick it. After five minutes of trying to kick it down I stopped. I looked around the room trying to find something that I could throw at the door but there was nothing. I ran my hand through my hair and felt a hair grip. I pulled it out and dropped to my knees. I placed it in the key whole and moved it around. I did this for about three minutes before I heard the click. I stood up and placed my hand on the door handle turning it. When it opened I ran down the stairs and tried the same technique on the front door. Every time I heard a car drive passed it sent shivers down my spine. I'd Louis came home and found me out side of the room I was sure he would kill me.
I heard a car door shut and foot steps on the pathway. I jumped to my feet and ran up the stair but it was to late he was already in the house. He dropped what he was holding and run up the stairs to catch me.
"What the hell are you doing!"
He pulled on the back of my top sending into his arms. He carried me down into the living from and throw me on the sofa.
"How did you unlock the door!"
I didn't say anything. He raised his hand and hit me in the face. I whimpered and pulled my legs into my chest.
"Tell me!"
I held out the hair grip and she snatched it out of my hand.
"Fuck sake"
I throw it across the room.
"I-I want to go home"
He didn't say anything.
"Please. I won't tell anyone about you or anything. I'll keep quiet I promise. I just want to go home"
I felt tears rolling down my face. I wiped them away.
"Please Louis. Let me go"
"No Octavia I can't. Your here for a reason"
Before I could say anything else he walked out the room. I quickly followed him.
"What do you mean"
"I can't tell you but it's for your own good trusted me"
He walked into the kitchen. I still followed him.
"How am I meant to trust to I don't even know you. How could I trusted you. Your the man that kidnapped me"
He just looked at me and smile.
"Kidnapped you"
He laughed making me feel stupid.
"I've not kidnapped you Octavia. You family knows your here. They asked me to take you. To keep you safe."
"Safe from what"
"I can't tell you"
"Your not old enough to know. Now just leave it okay"
I didn't say anything I just stood in the door way.
"I'm sorry for hitting you. I can't really control my anger. I'm working on it"
I didn't reply to him.
"Come on"
He took my arm and walked me into the living room. He sat me on the sofa and handed me the tv control.
"I need to go back out. Don't try to leave. Your safer here"
He left the room and I hear the front door open the close behind him.

Watcher- Louis Tomlinson Where stories live. Discover now