Chapter 26

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One day later

Courtney's POV

Eva and me were right now in her flat. We were just watching a movie, but she still won't talk to me

I sighed and turned the TV off.

' Hey! Why did you turn that off for? ' Eva said as she looked at me. It's been a while since we made eye contact

I turned my body and looked at her dead in the eye.

' Talk to me ' I said for like the 100th time

She scoffed and then played with her nails.

' Why won't you?! ' I said as I stood up.


' EVA! TELL ME NOW! ' I shouted and walked in front of her

' BECAUSE YOU TOLD SIMON ABOUT ME, JOEY AND THOMAS! ' Eva said in a heartbroken tone.


' WELL TO ME, YOUR JUST A TRAITOR! ' Eva shouted as I scoffed

' What would've happened if I didn't come by yesterday? Huh? You would've been fucking raped and have been pregnant AGAIN! ' I shouted the last part at her as she became silent

' Get out ' She said moments later.

I scoffed once more, grabbed my bag and turned to look at her one more time.

' Don't call me again. Since you don't need my help anymore ' I said as I stomped outside.

I walked to my car and drove home.

I opened the front door and heard footsteps running down

I looked to see Amy and Luke and they ran and hugged me

' Mum! We missed you! Where were you? ' Luke said as I smiled and looked at them

' I went to see Eva ' I smiled and they nodded before running back upstairs

' GET YOUR HOMEWORK DONE KIDS! ' I shouted as I just heard a groan in response.

I giggled and then ran upstairs to mine and Simon's room. I opened the door and smiled as I saw Simon again. He was wearing headphone so he didn't really hear anything.

I quietly tip toed up to him and then kissed him on the lips. He pulled away and looked at me weirdly before smiling.

' Oh my days! I thought you were some fucking creep! ' he said as I laughed

' I'm home! ' I said as he hugged me tightly

' Don't ever leave me a stupid note again, okay? Tell me face to face, I won't bite ' he said as I giggled and nodded

I then crashed my lips against his as he pulled my body more forward until both of our bodies were touching. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his tongue begged for entrance. I smirked and didn't let him in.

He then tickled my back from one of his hands which made me giggle and that made my mouth open a little which his tongue slipped into.

I then pulled away as he pouted

' How is she? ' Simon asked

' Eva's being a little idiot ' I said as I crossed my arms and pouted

' Has she tried talking to you? ' he said as I shook my head

' Well, I tried, which led us into a fight, which led me getting kicked out ' I said as Simon nodded

' Well imma go and make dinner ' I said as Simon nodded and pecked my lips

I got up, and ran downstairs to get on with dinner.

As I was cooking, Simon messaged me

From: 💖Monè💖😏

Miss you already xxx Dinner smells good from upstairs😏😏😏

I scoffed and messaged him back

To: 💖Monè💖😏

Whatever xxx Eternity?

He texted me back

From: 💖Monè💖😏


End Of Chapter 26


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