Chapter 67

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The Next Night.....

Courtney's POV

I grabbed the twins hands before taking them to the car.

' You coming Si? ' I shouted from outside

' Yeah! ' I heard a muffle shout.

The twins got in as I grabbed the coke drinks. The twins are not gonna be drinking wine and plus, they'll be right upstairs watching a movie.

 The twins are not gonna be drinking wine and plus, they'll be right upstairs watching a movie

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I hopped in the car and waited for Simon to come. Soon, he hopped in and started driving to the sidemen house.

' I just got a text from Sam, everyone is there now ' I said before replying back to Sam

' Why do we have to watch a boring film upstairs? Why can't we join the party downstairs? ' Luke asked before crossing his arms and kicking my seat

' Luke, there are adults, the party is not for kids Sweetie ' I said before turning to look at him. He just glared at me before looking outside the window

I sighed. This is gonna be a long night

A few minutes later

We were now at the party and the kids were in Simon's room, watching a film upstairs.

' LETS PARRTYYYY ' JJ shouted and we all laughed before getting our drinks.

Paige's POV

Uh Oh. I need to put the sleeping pills before they drink everything

' WAIT! WHY DON'T WE START THE PARTY OFF BY DANCING? ' I shouted and everyone looked at me before shrugging.

I danced my way to Maddy and grabbed her hands before taking her to the centre. We were dancing and spinning around while laughing.

Soon, everybody was on the dance floor , dancing. We were having a dance off, boys vs girls.

As the boys were doing the elephant dance, I slowly grabbed the pills out and crept to the drinks. I then plopped a pill in each of the drinks except for mine.

I then texted Brooklyn

I put the pills in

I grabbed my drink as everyone else started to grab theirs...

But then, I remembered, the twins. They're not gonna be sleeping!

I jogged to Sam

' I'm gonna go to the toilet quick, so tell the others I'll be right back ' I said and she nodded

' What happened? Did the drink already digest in your system? ' she asked and I giggled and rolled my eyes.

I looked if anyone was looking at me, and nobody was. So I quickly tip toed upstairs and knocked on the door. This is my first time talking to Courtney's twins.

' Come in ' I heard a girl say. Amy, right?

I entered and they raised an eyebrow at me

' Hi! I'm Pa- '

' We don't care who you are, what do you want? ' the boy twin said, Luke.

' I was offering you another Pepsi can ' I said and they shrugged

' We did finish our Pepsi, alright then ' Amy said and smiled and I smiled back

' Be right back ' I said before going downstairs and getting the Pepsi. I popped the pills in the can before going upstairs and giving it to them

' Here you go ' I said and they twins smiled at me

' Thanks ' they said and I nodded before going back downstairs for the party

A few hours later

So far, all the girls minus Sam, Courtney And Maddy were passed out. And for the boys, everyone except for Simon, Tobi and JJ were passed out. Oh, and the twins were awake too

' 9 left to go ' I mumbled under my breath before going back to party again

End Of Chapter 67



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