Chapter 40

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Adam's POV

' You actually had the guts to be here right now? ' I asked and raised an eyebrow

Brooklyn nodded and gave me a sad smile

' Okay...... What do you want then? ' I asked she shrugged

' Hang out, I guess ' She said and rubbed her left arm

' Your serious? ' I said and scoffed but then tears made their way down on Brooklyn's

' I'm sorry for everything I've done ' Brooklyn whispered as she started to cry more loudly

' Shh, be quiet ' I said and gave her a quick hug. I didn't want her to wake up Brittany

She sniffed and then looked at me with tearful eyes

' Can I have some water? ' She asked softly. Like she was all of a sudden the type of Brooklyn I used to date

' Um, yeah, take a seat in the living room. Its right down the hallway. I'll get the water ' I said as Brooklyn nodded and made her way down the long hallway

I walked into the kitchen and made a cold glass of water

Brooklyn's POV

I always knew I had that Drama in me. Hmm, I'm so awesome.

I looked around the room and came to a picture of Adam and 'Brittany'

I scoffed and looked st Brittany. He can't be serious?

She is like so ugly. She is probably the most ugliest girl I've laid my eyes on.

Why can't he ever go for someone like me? I'm like so perfect. I'm better than anything.

I heard footsteps so I quickly went to sad mood and sniffled.

Adam handed me the glass of water before taking a seat on another couch.

' How's life then? ' He asked as I shrugged

' Really bad. I mean, My parents abandoned me, I have nowhere to stay and, I have no boyfriend ' I said sadly

Adam just hummed in return.

' Maybe its time for you to go now ' Adam said before standing up and walking to the door. I followed him and then looked at him before standing outside

' Can I come again? Its been a while since I had company ' I asked and looked at him with hope

' Um... I don't really know.. ' Adam asked and then I nodded

' Uh, yeah, its fine. Don't worry, you won't have to see me again ' I said before just standing

As of my plan, I grabbed his face and crushed his lips on mine. He fought back and pulled away

' Goddamit why?! ' Adam said as I shrugged and winked

I took a step closer to him

' You liked it though ' I said and winked again

He just looked confused and then I ran away.

Chloe's POV (😈)

I walked to Thomas's house, as you may call it. This is Brooklyn's other boyfriend's house

I knocked on the door and it revealed to a man. Fairly tall, brown hair, green eyes

I smirked and gave him a flirty look

' Hi, Brooklyn's mom ' I said as I shook his hand

' Hi Beautiful ' He said and shook my hand too

I smirked. I've been cheating on Jax, shh. We don't want him to know that now.

I walked in and sat next to him

' So how ya doing babe? ' I said and gave him a nickname. To tease him

' Nothing much. My son is very happy to be your daughter's boyfriend. I've never seen him this happy ' He said as I nodded

' You married? ' I asked as he shook his head

' Names Joey ' he said as I nodded

' Chloe ' I said

' What about you? Married? ' He asked as I shook my head no

' Ya thinking what I'm thinking ' he smirked and ran his eyes up and down.

' Oh yeah... ' I said and smirked too

End Of Chapter 40



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