Chapter 50

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Courtney's POV

Me, Simon, Josh, Vikk, JJ, Sam, Emma and Harry were playing Twister at the sidemen house.

First round:

It was Simon vs Josh, Simon won

Second round:

It was JJ vs Sam, Sam won

Third round:

It was Vikk vs Me, I won

Fourth round:

Emma vs Harry, Harry won

Me and Sam walked up to eachother and high fived eachother. We then placed our hands on our hips and glared at Simon and Harry

' Stop Glaring, you guys are gonna lose ' Simon said as we scoffed

' Game on ' Sam said

' Game Over ' Harry said as I smacked him on the head.

' Don't play smart with us ' I said and then laughed with Sam

Vikk held the camera while Josh was was spinning the wheel.

Second go:

First round:

Sam vs Simon, Simon won (only because he cheated! He grabbed her leg, which made her fall!)

Me vs Harry, I won (because I pulled Harry down, if Simon could cheat, then I could to

It was now just me and Simon. I narrowed my eyes at him as he smirked at me

I rolled my eyes and looked at Sam

' You can do this ' Sam said and touched my shoulder while glaring at Simon.

' Let's play! ' Josh said as I nodded.

This is a picture of their mat

Simon and I stood face to face with eachother. Glaring while he smirked at me

' Courtney, right foot on green ' Josh said as I crossed my arms, while my eyes were at Simon. I then stomped on a spot on green with my right foot

' Simon, left foot yellow ' Josh said as I sighed. He smirked and placed his left foot on the dot nearest to me

' Courtney, left foot green ' Josh said as I sighed again

' Wtf? Give me a challenge ' I said while I just out my left foot next to my right

' Simon, right foot on blue ' Josh said

Simon still kept his eyes on me while I smiled and he smirked

Our faces were so close to eachother, which made me blush and look away

' Aww, Cobucks is blushing ' Simon said as I showed my tongue at him and then placed my tongue back in my mouth

Simon then tickled me as I slapped his hands away

' Don't think so Minter ' I said and glared at him

' Stop Glaring! Its bad for your eyes ' Simon said while covering my eyes

In the middle of the game

I was literally loosing my balance while Sam was cheering for me

Simon was still incredibly close to me, he came up to me ear

' Eternity? ' he asked

I giggled

' Eternity ' I said back while smiling

He then leant in as I used all my strength to bend over to him

His hot breath hit my lips, we were only a few inches away. He glanced at my lips as I smiled. We leant in

But before I could kiss him, I fell over, and the whole room bursted out with the boy's laughter

' Fucking Asshole! ' I shouted and smacked Simon on the leg

' Couldn't help it, babe! ' he said while laughing again

I will get him back.

End Of Chapter 50

Hope u enjoyed!


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