Chapter 2

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Phil had his head propped up on his hands, his eyes fixed on me as I shuffled over. I sighed and dropped my bookbag next to the chair before I sat down.

Do you ever have one of those days where you just think "This might as well happen. Everything else has gone to shit"?

Because that particular Monday was one of those days.

"Hey, Danny. Ready to get this project started?" Phil's stupid smirk never left his face.

"I don't think you realize how tempted I am to go up to the teacher and ask to change partners." I sassed. "And don't call me Danny."

Phil's smirk turned into a frown and he raised an eyebrow. "You'd better watch your mouth, Howell. I don't want to do this either, but I'm going to tough it out. I only need to deal with your stupid self for four weeks, then I can go back to keeping our interactions to a minimum."

I shot him a look. "What's your definition of 'minimum', exactly? Because, from what I can tell, you actively seek me out every day just to beat me to a pulp."

His smirk returned. "Exactly. I'm beating you up a minimum number of times. I can bump that number up, if you'd like?"

I quickly shook my head. "No, thanks. I'd rather survive to see my graduation day."

The bell rang, and the art teacher started talking.

"Good morning, class! As you can see from the board behind me, we will be starting a group project! I have taken the liberty of dividing you up into groups of two. The person I have paired you with will be your partner, no questions asked. That means no switching partners."

There were a few groans of disappointment that erupted from some of the other students, but I stayed quiet since I had accepted the fact that I would die during this project.

"The project will be on the evolution of art through the ages. You will describe how art looked through the centuries, starting with the 1200s and ending with the current century. You're welcome to print pictures from the internet from each of the different centuries and make a poster board presentation or make a slideshow. If you're feeling really adventurous, you could even try making your own art following the styles from that centuries."

Um, how about no.

"Since the project is due at the end of term, which is in 4 weeks, I will count it as your exam grade. Any questions?"

My eyes widened. She was counting this as our final exam, and my partner was the person who didn't care about his grade at all!

I let my head hit the desk and tuned out the rest of the lesson.


After class, I had lunch.

So did Phil.

However, today I didn't even make it to the lunch room before he decided to harass me.

I had just left the classroom when I felt myself get pulled around a corner into an empty hallway. I let out a small yelp and found myself face to face with my art project partner.

Phil let go of my arm and held out his phone to me.

"What do you want me to do with that?"

Phil rolled his eyes. "I want you to take it and throw it out of the car window on your way home."

I just stared at him.

He sighed and pushed it at my chest. "I want you to take it and put your number in it, stupid."

"Why would I do that?"

"So we can talk about the project and I don't need to look at your face while doing it."

Duh, Dan, you idiot. I reluctantly typed my number in. "Just don't leak this to the school, alright?"

"No promises," he said as he typed out a message.

I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out to see a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number

Hey, asshole. It's your best friend, Phil.

"Aren't you going to respond?"

"I wasn't going to, no."

"Well, that's incredibly rude."

"You're standing right in front of me. Why would I send you a text?"

Phil shoved me to the side and walked out of the hallway toward the cafeteria. "Whatever. Text me your address. I'm coming over tonight."

"What?! No you-" I was slammed into the wall with Phil's hand wrapped around my neck. I gasped for air, but it wasn't working too well.

"You heard me, gay boy. I expect you to act completely naturally when I show up, too. I want to leave a good impression with your parents." He let me go and I immediately sucked in large gulps of breath.

"You should go eat something, Danny. It might make your throat feel better."

Then he left, leaving me doubled over and breathing heavy.

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