Chapter 6

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"Oh! Phil, what are you still doing here?" My mum had come in to check on me. It was 10:37 pm.

"Sorry, mum. I must have forgotten to tell you. Phil wanted to stay the night and I said that was alright. Hope you don't mind..."

"No, Dan, sweetie. That's fine. Just remember to tell me next time you decide to have a sleepover." She smiled at us, then closed the door and went down the hall to her room.

I turned to Phil. "You don't happen to have clothes or anything with you, do you?"

He smirked. "Actually, I do. I always keep some with me." He reached into his backpack and pulled out an extra set of clothes, which I assumed were for school tomorrow.

"Okay, what about pajamas?"

Phil shrugged. "I'll just sleep in these." He yawned. "You got any extra pillows around here?"

I nodded, then walked over to my closet to get Phil a pillow and blanket.

"Are you going to go to sleep?" I asked.

"Probably not. That would be no fun. Let's play a game." I sensed this was going to end badly.

"What kind of game...?" I asked tentatively.

"How about Truth or Dare?" I saw Phil's smirk grow wider.

"No. But I've got Sorry, if you want to play that instead."

Phil rolled his eyes. "This is why people pick on you, Howell. You never do anything fun."

"How would you know? All you know about me is that I'm gay and in your class."

"I also happen to know that you never go to school parties."

I shrugged. "So what? Everyone knows that. And you're one of the main reasons I avoid them."

Phil clutched a hand to his chest in mock pain. "I'm hurt, Howell. Why would you actively avoid me like that?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you've been making my life hell for four years and you seem to have no intention of stopping any time soon?"

Phil's smirk fell and he looked down at the floor, almost guiltily.

"I have my reasons for doing that..."

"Mind filling me in on those reasons?"

"No, not really." His smirk returned, but it looked more forced this time. "So, are we playing Truth or Dare? Or are you too scared?"

I shook my head. "No, thanks. I don't need you knowing any of my secrets. For all I know, you might share them with the whole school."

"I wouldn't do that, Dan. I'm not that mean."

"Oh, yeah?" I lifted my shirt up and showed him the spot where he kicked me this morning. "Tell that to the bruises you left me." I yanked my shirt back down and walked over to my bed. I threw the blanket and pillow at Phil as I passed him.

"Where am I sleeping?"

I flopped onto my bed and rolled over so my back was to him. "You can sleep on the floor for all I care. Goodnight, jerk."

It was quiet for a few seconds, then I heard him whisper a response. It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it.

"Goodnight, Dan. I'm sorry."


I woke up the next morning, and the first thing I noticed was that Phil wasn't there.

I didn't think too much of it, so I got dressed and made my way downstairs for breakfast.

Phil and my mum were sitting at the table having a friendly conversation, and for some reason I was okay with that. Believe it or not, Phil was starting to grow on me.

I felt like I would regret that.

"Oh! Hey, Dan! I would have woken you up, but I've been awake since 4 o'clock this morning and I figured you wouldn't appreciate that."

I nodded. "Yup." I was too tired to give more than a one-word response.

"Did you sleep well, sweetie?" my mum asked.

I nodded and began making myself a bowl of cereal. I was just about to eat my first spoonful when Phil spoke up.

"Ready to go, Dan?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously?"

He laughed. "Kidding, kidding. Wow, tired Dan is no fun to be around."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

As soon as I had set my empty cereal bowl down, Phil was dragging me by the wrist toward my front door.

"Come on, Dan! You're being so slow!" Phil had a smile on his face. Like, an actual genuine smile. I liked it.

No, I did not just say that.

We walked to school, and Phil was being extremely talkative. He was acting like we had been best friends since primary school.

"What are you playing at here, Phil?"

He stopped in the middle of a rant about trees and looked at me. "What?"

"What are you doing? You're acting like I'm your best friend instead of the kid you bully every day."

He shrugged. "Maybe I'm trying to change, did you ever think of that?"

I laughed. "Oh, yeah, right! Phil Lester, the school's bad boy and Dan Howell's biggest bully, wants to change? That's hilarious!"

Phil glared at me. "People can change, Dan. I'm actually witnessing a change right now. Dan Howell, supposedly the nicest kid in school, is acting like a total dick." He stormed away, leaving me to think about his words.

I guess that was a little harsh...

I started running, trying to catch up to Phil. "Phil, wait!"

I saw him turn around and stop walking. When I finally reached him, he crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's just...well, you've beaten me up almost every day for the past four years. That doesn't tend to leave a good impression, you know?"

Phil stayed silent, but I saw his eyes shift to the ground.

"It's a huge shock that you've even thought about changing for the better, alright? But..." I sighed. "I mean, I guess it is possible..."

Phil shrugged. "Yeah..."

"So, what do you want to do?"


"About us. Do you want to just leave me alone? Or..." I can't believe I'm actually about to say this. "Did you want to try and be friends?"

Phil's eyes widened and shot up to meet mine. "What? Are you serious?"

"I mean, if you don't want to be friends, that's fine. I was just kind of getting that impression." I frantically tried to defuse a possible explosion.

Then he hugged me.

I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there as Phil hugged me. "Yes! I want to be your friend, Dan! I don't want you to hate me anymore!"

We stayed like that for a little while, and I gently pushed Phill off me once it was becoming awkward.

"So..." I started. "Want to sit together at lunch, then?"

"Definitely!" There was that smile again.

"Just...don't bring anyone from your little 'gang' over, alright?"

"Why would I bring them over? I'm trying to start fresh, remember?"

"Right. It's just...well, I can never be too careful."

Phil nodded in understanding, and we started walking toward the school again.

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