Chapter One---Fallen Human

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

   You felt yourself falling. It felt endless. After a while, you swore you kept seeing the same things surrounding you. The same dirt pattern. The same rocks. It must be a loop, you thought.

   You weren't very scared. You were calm, even. You were prepared for the hard landing. Your parents had probably hurt you worse. What's the worst that could happen?

   A soft, carressing bliss covered your body. Looking around you, you found that golden flowers, Buttercups, probably, had saved you from harm. You just sat there for a few minutes, admiring your surroundings. The light from the top of the mountain fixed itself on you. Well, you sighed, at least I've finally escaped the hell that was my home.

   You stood up, wiping petals and pollin off of your purple and blue sweater and pants. In front of you, a stick and a worn band-aid appeared on the ground. You wondered if they had been there the whole time. You picked up the stick, and applyed the band-aid to a cut wound on your forehead that your father had previously made.

   Ahead of you stood the purple rock structure that lead to the rest of the mountain. Determined to start a new life, you entered it, stick in your hand, and band-aid on your face.


Under Her Tail~ Male! Reader x Toriel *LEMON WARNING*Where stories live. Discover now