Chapter 4---The Ruins

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   "Welcome to the Ruins, (Y/N)! Here, you will find many puzzles. One in almost every room. It's safest if you stay with me, and let me solve each puzzle. Take some time to look at the ancient beauties of the Ruins. I will wait for you." Said Toriel. You nodded. She stood and waited as you explored the place.

   The walls, the pillars, and even the stairs and doors were all different shades of purple. It was a beautiful sight, really. You enjoyed it alot. You took a short glance at Toriel, and blushed a small bit at her warm smile and perfect body.

   Purple is the color of royalty, you thought. I wonder if she is a queen? Her outfit looks like one of a queen, and these ruins look like they were built for a castle. I'll ask her about it later.

   In the corner of your eye, a strange light shined. Turning around fully, you faced it. It was in the shape of a strange star. Curious, you touched it.

   A box appeared in front of you and said, The shadow of the RUINS looms above, filling you with DETERMINATION. Should you save? You nod, not questioning much. Saved.

   "Ready for the next room, (Y/N)?" Asked Toriel.

   "Yes." You said. Toriel smiled and nodded, leading the way to the next room. You followed her once more.

   "As a human living in the RUINS, monsters may attack you. When a monster attacks, you will enter a FIGHT, like you were in with that god forsaken flower back there. There are four choices in a FIGHT. To fight, to act, to take an item, or to grant mercy. Now, we do not want to hurt anybody, do we...? If you do happen to be in a FIGHT, choose the act button. Strike up a friendly conversation. Stall for time. I will come to resolve the conflict. For now, I would like you to practice on this training dummy." Said Toriel.

   You walked up to the training dummy. Your surroundings had once more turned black, with the four choices that Toriel had mentioned at the bottom of a text box. She had said to practice with the act button, so that's just what you did. You moved your soul to the act button and said, "You look very nice today!"

   Toriel smiled, and the fight ended.

   "Ah, very good, (Y/N)! You are very good! As long as you do that, everyone will be fine!" She said.

   You followed her to the next room.

Under Her Tail~ Male! Reader x Toriel *LEMON WARNING*Where stories live. Discover now