Chapter 4

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I slammed my car door shut, squinting my eyes against the bright afternoon sun, before glancing down at the newspaper in my hand... This was the place, though it looked a bit more unimpressive than the picture in the paper- not that looks mattered- I just needed a job. I walked into Freddy Fazbear's Pizza silently, going completely unnoticed by the shouting kids and exasperated parents as I looked around the food covered building. I didn't quite like how loud the restaurant was with all the screaming kids but if I got the job mentioned in the paper then I shouldn't have to worry about it. I glanced around again, where was someone who worked at this place? I would ask a customer here but I wasn't the type to let people know I was the new person in town who didn't know much.

Finally I spotted someone in a uniform. "You work here right?"

The man jumped slightly and looked at me. "Y-yeah."

"Great, I'm here for the job... Is your boss around...?" I glanced at the jittery man's nametag while he went deathly pale in front of me. "Jeremy?"

"Y-yes." He pointed me in the direction, a scared look in his gaze.

I shrugged it off. Maybe something was wrong with him mentally, not my problem or business though.

I straightened my black jacket one more time before knocking on the office door, glancing as movement caught my attention from the corner of my eye but when I looked nothing was there. Probably just my imagination, I turned back as the door opened and the boss let me inside the smoke filled room, which made me cough a bit as I inhaled the cigarette smoke. I sat down across from him with a faint smile on my face, I hated smiling but people did seem to find me a bit charming so perhaps this would help me get the job despite not going to college... not that you needed to have a degree to work at this place, more like dump. I didn't want to work here exactly but it was closest to home and my sister needed me, just as I needed her. This job would make sure we were only a few blocks away if something came up, not that it should since her 'bad habits' seemed to be disappearing... Wish my medication would work as well as her rehabilitation had.

The boss cleared his throat and I straightened in my seat. "I'm, uh, I'm here for the job listed in the paper... The night guard."

"Really." He seemed a bit shocked as he waved some smoke away from his face, though I didn't understand why; well other than the fact it smelled of pizza and sweat from all the kids running around to create a disgusting aroma.

"I have some experience as a night guard from when I was living a few towns over, it wasn't too bad over there so when I saw this I decided to apply." I withheld my usual shrug as I stared at the man on the other side of the desk.

"Alright." He stood up and grabbed a uniform out of a cabinet, hiring me rather quickly to my surprise. "Wear this and be here a little before twelve a.m. got it?"

"Yeah." I took the uniform from him and started to leave, a bit confused as to why it had been so easy to get the job.

"Oh, and you'll be working with another man who asked for the job as well so don't freak out if you see someone else." I wasn't sure why he had to tell me not to freak out about another person being here but I swore he also muttered something along the lines of: 'maybe they'll live with some help.'

I pushed that aside though; it was just my mind acting up again from lack of sleep, nothing new there. I glanced around the halls, perhaps I should get that Jeremy guy to show me around before I came back tonight for work... no, it was the night shift. I'd have plenty of time to walk around and get the layout of the place. I looked over at the animatronics on the stage... those would be creepy at night... but at least they would be deactivated and on their stage. Giving a huff I turned away, I wasn't scared of them... I wasn't scared of anything. Besides, what could those dumb robots do to me? I mentally laughed, sing me into insanity perhaps.

"S-so you g-got the-the j-job then." I glanced over as Jeremy spoke; I hadn't even heard him walk over though I doubt anyone could with the kids yelling around us.

"Uh, yeah." I nodded.

Jeremy gave me a look that held something I couldn't figure out in it, a bit disturbing when I combined that look with a faint scar peaking out of his hair. "G-good l-luck t-then. You'll n-need it."

"I'm just a night guard, I'll be fine." I responded. "Besides, who would want to rob a place like this? I doubt they'd make much for their troubles."

Jeremy didn't say anything as I walked away, carefully weaving my way through the tables and people. Reaching the exit, I glanced back one last time to see Jeremy watching me. Did he know something he wasn't saying to me or was that just my imagination? I doubted he knew anything. After all, he seemed like someone who would be frightened of his own shadow or a slight rustle of leaves on a windy day. I smirked at the thought before pulling out my keys and getting into my slightly beaten up black car. At least now I could go home and tell my sister the good news before I had to come back here. I gave a happy sigh at the thought of being able to do something productive with my nights again, not to mention it would be quiet and peaceful with the children gone and no one to bother me. Unless of course my 'partner' was annoying but if that was the case then I could just avoid them probably.

"Heh, new job, new town... what could go wrong?" I questioned myself rhetorically as I drove. "In a town like this and a place like that... Nothing." 

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