Captain and Coco-The Captains

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I'm off of Wattpad for one day because a storm knocked out our power and suddenly O.o bam!!!! Entries and spam and party parrots are cloaking the skies! Oh, the precious party parrots *faints at the sight of all the beautiful disco blobs*

😮 When you realized that most of the people reading this don't even know what you're saying. I feel like this calls for a meme....the party parrot needs its own meme...(no actually that's a horrible idea. The blobbiness would never end).

So I'm just going to chat with you guys for a minute or two. If you want to skip straight to the announcements then be my guest, they're down there...somewhere... *points down*

Anyway there has been a lot of group graphic accounts popping up around wattpad lately. And since most of them aren't accepting members, the people who are left out create their own account in retaliation -- I swear it's a long vicious circle.

*you hear war cries in the distance*

*sighs and walks up to the Guild's big brother house* Yes, we all live in a big house together. Luckily we all like each other so no one has been fatally injured yet.

*opens door* Guys! Remember what we said about this not being a competition!? Molang, put that machete down! Nik... Lani...Llyn... leave it be....ALLI!!!! I SWEAR IF EVEN ONE OF THOSE HEAVILY ARMED FIGHTER PARROTS LEAVES THIS CHAT -- *slams door shut* We're all perfectly delightful people, I swear.

It's true that we get jealous, and that's okay because we're human and humans tend to suck that way. There's nothing we can do to help it.

But once all the caps lock dies down, we're totally fine with it. Everyone has the right to interact with other people and create your own groups. It's amazing and we're glad that you're doing it. We wish you the best of luck and all the best successes with your accounts. Wattpad is a hard place to find triumph and no one can be a hundred percent original.

Life Tip: Take the cliché and make it better. You can be inspired by others, and you can borrow ideas, but you still have to make things your own, you know? Doing something exactly the same way that other people do it, won't get you anywhere, but if you take a new spin or get a new idea, then hey, you could be the next best thing.

In sight of all this, thank you all who work and support the Guild. We would be nothing without you all. There are tons of Graphics contest accounts out there but you choose to stick with us and that's amazing. We hope to see that you all stick around to watch this place grow more purple and develop into a greater community.

But for all of those who make spin-off accounts similar to the Guild PLEASE CREDIT US IN YOUR BIO. It's not fair to the original creators to not have their work acknowledged. It's like copying people's stories. It's not cool. Feel free to be creative, but credit your inspiration. It's like when you use fan art to make graphics. Credit.


Okay that's the talking out of the way. Someone asked a little while back who wrote these chapters/newsletters. Well hello there earthling, I'm Mya, your friendly neighborhood shadowsleek.


So funny story. After a little thinking, we realized that only three of us were trying out for the Captain/Co-Captain positions so we decided..... Why not make two co-captains? Genius! I know right.

Now introducing our TWO new lovely no particular order.

*bass drum roll*

*eagle screech*

*epic suspense building*

*entire TSFH Invincible Album plays*

Dobby. Cannot. Tell. *bangs head on nearest object* Harry. *bang* Potter.

Dobby you're a free elf! Be freeeee *cries*

What was I doing?

Oh right. You were enjoying my stalling attempts.

I seriously can't drag this out much longer.

In no particular order, presenting our CO co-captains! With Entries #1 and #3 eosophobic and LlynWildr.

WHOoOOOOOOOoooo!!!! Round of applause everyone! I can't hear you clapping.

Clap louder.

To Alli and Llyn:

Either one of you would have been a great captain. If you two had worded things a little differently you both would have crushed me to death.

Another essay tip for everyone: Always. Always. ALWAYS! Provide relevant examples to back your argument. For instance: I'm going to branch the Guild out into the community by going door to door and making all my neighbors download wattpad. I'll make them download Wattpad by holding their dog hostage.
Claims alone will never get anyone anywhere. Examples need to be thorough and believable if it's an interview, and thorough and factual if it's an essay.


Oh and our captain is #2 otherwise known as shadowsleek (: Congratulations me. I know how to apply persuasive essay skills and that's probably the only reason I won this.

You guys are so lucky that I'm the one who writes the Newsletter and not the Contests, it would be impossible to read....I may be able to get things done, but Llyn and Alli can get things done well. They both have unique traits that make them highly qualified to be in their positions and we're all glad to have them.

And that is the end of our tale for now.

Oh wait.

Our Contest #2 now closed (it's July 10th where I am right now). Thank you everyone for entering, all the entries are gorgeous. We will have the results out soon. And we may or may not take a short poll over here to decide our next contest.

The Graphics Wattys are up and running.

Yours truly,
The Guild.

Yours Truly, The GuildWhere stories live. Discover now