ProcrastiNATION? (And Some Updates)

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If you don't want to read the top you may skip down to announcements. They are down there somewhere under the heading, Announcements.

What do I usually do at the beginnings of these notes...hmmm....I don't really remember? Anyway.

It's time for


A Day In The Life Your Local Graphic Artists

So this is just a thing I want to try out where I post a relatable graphics fact for us all to bond over. It doesn't necessarily have to be a thing worthy of ranting about, but we all have these moments, or maybe we don't -- I don't like in your head.

Or do I.

Anyway comment in the doobly-doo if you think this should be a thing or not.

Without further adieu....

Internal Turmoil Over Denying People

Not pointed at anyone in particular

Okay maybe this is just me, but every time I deny someone, it hurts me.

I mean of course there are those people who completely crap things up, and I have no problems denying them. It's not them I'm here to talk about them, you can probably find dozens of rant books talking about them.

I'm here to talk about the other people. They use the right forms, they have the password, and even provide images and examples every once in a while.

I love these type of people, and I know that you love these people too. They're the kind that makes us want to get out of bed and continue (or stay in bed as the case may be).

It hurts like Hell fire to deny people like this.

Some of you might be wondering, but these people sound perfect! Why would you ever deny them?

The reason is usually in their ideas or expectations. For me, it's usually because I find no interest in their ideas, or because I know I won't be able to make their cover well and if they're that willing to put so much into a form, then they deserve something better than the crap I might serve them if I tried their request.

It hurts so much....

And a lot of the people who request are on mobile which people tend overlook. I in particular feel for these people because mobile makes everything more complicated from the MDC to adding casts lists.

As someone who does the majority of her stuff on a touch screen device, I can see the value in every typed word. Time goes into a good form and it hurts to deny them.

But the bottom line is, no matter how long it took them to type the form, a graphic designer takes hours out of her personal time to make covers and banners and trailers for people who don't pay her money -- people she doesn't even know (or he or they. However you identify).

Denying people is a new concept for me, because I was built on the foundation of denying no one. It's a good exercise, it helps you develop a style and work outside your comfort zone, but it can also drain out of it.

I don't know....

Anyway, do you agree? Do you disagree? What topics should I discuss in the future?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

Or don't share your thoughts in the comments.

Or taste rubber.

Please don't taste rubber.


The Graphics Wattys are in full swing. You still have some time to enter. Competition closes on August 31, 2016 so go and enter!

Contest #4 is up! Make a cover from some images we have provided you.

A new Update of The Sisters Guild coming out on Saturday so keep an eye out for that. What will happen when Lani, Llyn, Mya, Alli, and Nik get caught in the middle of a mass hijacking by a gang of dragon rider thugs. Meanwhile, Rachel is on the run for her life, while Sarah and Celin are still off the charts.

Stay tuned.

Our follower count is slowly rising, get ready for a party when we get to our first thousand. There will be giveaways, craziness, videos (maybe) and lots of parrots of course.

What's a party without a party parrot (or ten)?

More details to be released soon.

Guild-Worthy is slowly getting worked on by the peeps with laptops, so keep an eye out for that too.

Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting us, we wouldn't be anywhere without you. Have some cookie dough.

Yours Truly,
The Guild

Yours Truly, The GuildWhere stories live. Discover now