•Chapter 10• otherside

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I woke up in a hotel room, which scared me. I didn't remember anything after I was running. The door slowly opened, and Josh slipped into the room. I sighed, and rolled over. He gave me a small smile, and sat down on the bed.
"What happened, how'd I get here?" I groaned grabbing my thigh
"I found you running down the street, I took you here and you fell asleep. Here, let me help you clean up your tattoo."
I lifted the dress up a little, and he took of the wrapping, did some stuff and then wrapped it back up. I then curled into a ball, and started crying. Josh hugged me, and shushed me. He gave me a t-shirt of his, and boxers. I went to the bathroom and changed. As I looked in the mirror I sighed. I looked like death. There was a knock at the hotel door, so I put my ear on the door to listen.
"Hey, is Emily here?" A familiar voice asked
"Yeah, why?" Josh replied a little harsh
"I just wanted to make sure she was okay, that's all."
The door closed, and I walked out. Josh wrapped his arms around me, and sighed. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He placed a soft kiss on my head, and I closed my eyes. I then went back into the cold bed and sighed. Josh lipped in the bed, and handed me a brown paper bag.
"What's this?" I whispered opening it up
"I got you breakfast, I know it's like..2 o'clock in the afternoon but I got you some cinnamon rolls." He said giving me a small smile.
"Hey josh," I said taking a bite of one of the rolls.
"Yeah?" He asked grabbing one out of the bag
"I don't wanna sulk around about this, how about we do something fun?"
I jumped up and slipped on the dress from the night before, and then sighed.
"My phone is dead." I said as my mouth turned into a frown
"I charged it for ya'!" He laughed slipping it in my hand. I thanked him and he went to go to the bathroom. He came back out in a grey long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. Most of his hair was covered by a hat he was wearing backwards.
"Can we stop by my apartment? I don't wanna wear this to the arcade!" I laughed as we got in Josh's jeep. He nodded and we drove to my apartment. I ran into the place, and got dressed into a Pierce the veil sweatshirt and skinny jeans. I quickly brushed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail, then slipped on my sunflower vans and ran back to the car. Josh smiled at me, and we drove to the arcade. I grabbed Josh's hand and dragged him in. Once I saw Dance Dance Revolution I squeezed Josh's hand and ran over to it. Josh pulled out his phone and filmed as I did perfectly on the first round, but on the second round I failed. I laughed and pushed Josh up there. I filmed as he completely messed up, I was laughing so hard I had to stop filming. We plaid more games, and then Josh's and I's stomach growled. We laughed, and walked across the street to Mc Donald's. After we ate we went to my apartment. I handed Josh the ps4 controller, and set down on the cold leather couch with him. Kendra was on my computer, an Miles was at the gym. Two more weeks till Austin comes back!
"We should throw Austin a welcome back party," I suggested as Josh shot me in the head on COD.
"Agreed," Kendra mumbled
Josh just continued to beat me in the game. I sighed and leaned my head back. As much as I wanted to cry I didn't, which confused me. There wasn't any flashback, no 'bad' thoughts, no suicidle feelings, I just felt fine. Fine. The one word I hate the most, but used the most. I jokingly hit Josh's arm, and he gently hit back. I went over to the computer and looked at what Kendra was looking at. She was on an online store shopping, and was looking at t-shirts. I pointed to the one I liked. I then sat down in Josh and sighed.
"Get off of me!" He laughed
"I wanna make a Q & A!" I yelled causing Kendra to jump.
"Then do it!" Kendra yelled back
I opened Twitter, and Josh pushed me off of his lap. I clicked the little tweet button and smiled.
@Emily_jackson hey guys I'm gonna make a Q & A with Josh and Kendra, ask us stuff!'
I set my camera up in the tripod in front of the TV so we could sit on the couch. I clicked record and got my phone out. Josh sat on my left, and Kendra on my right.
"Helloo, fellow internet people!" I smiled waving to the camera.
"Hi," Josh waved
"Hey!" Kendra smiled
"Today I'm doing a Q & A with these nerds," I laughed
I pulled up the first question and screenshoted it so I could put it in the video. I then read it out loud.
"Bring me the phandoms asks 'who are your best friends?'"
"Tyler is number one, and Emily is number two." Josh said holding up the numbers on his right hand.
"Austin is number one, Kendra is second, then Josh and Turtle are tied."
"Emily is..I don't know...like...last place," Kendra smiled
"Excuseeeee you?" I say
"Just kidding you're number one bae!"
"Okay that's all for today, goodbye!" I laughed
I then got up and turned the camera off. I went to the computer and talked to Kendra and Josh while editing. Josh got a phone call, and he came over to me and gave me a hug.
"Tyler wants me to hang out, I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled causing me to smile
"See you tomorrow."
After the door closed Kendra did the 'awe' noise. I rolled my eyes and kept editing. Once it was uploaded Miles walked in the door. He went straight to the shower, and I called Austin. He sat in his bunk, his hair messed up with no shirt on.
"Hey," he yawned
"Did I wake you up?" I asked
"No, no. What's up?"
"I just got done editing a new video."
"I wish these two weeks would go faster, I miss you."
"I miss you too."
After a long pause of silence I sighed.
"Austin I have some news..."
"Denis and I are...no longer together..." I looked up at the screen to see Austin frowning. He sighed and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I wiped it away, and flashed him a fake smile.
"It's okay thought, he was in a lot of stress I'm happy for him."
Austin hung up and I went out to my balcony. The moon was full, and above my head. I looked at my plants and frowned. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight with all these thoughts and memories in my head. It's too much, but not enough at the same time. Next thing I knew I was in bed, slowly closing my eyes.

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