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The bell rang for the end of class, and that school day, just as Taehyung finished writing another note to Yoongi. Hoseok had been giving both of them the evil eye the whole time and neither had yet noticed. They picked up their bags and made their way down the hallway. When they reached Yoongi's locker they stood their for a while.

Their communication method was half notes and half hand gestures. Taehyung's throat had been hurting because it had barley been used in over a year. They were so wrapped up in each other that they stood their for much longer than they would have expected. Suddenly Yoongi glanced around at the corridors and noticed that no-one was there.

Yoongi motioned for Taehyung to look around then to get going. Taehyung nodded in response. Suddenly there was loud footsteps and Hoseok and his band of wrongdoers rounded the corner.

"Well well well. Lookey what we have here. Tae-blah and his new boyfriend."

Taehyung's smile dropped from his face and Yoongi reached an arm out to cover Tae.

"Aw how cute. Yoongi's a little hero. Come to save this little wimpy cry baby."

The sneer on Hoseok's face was painfully obvious as he gestured for two of his gang to take Yoongi.

"Look him in the janitor's closet. This is between me and this faggot."

Yoongi tried to fight back but the two dudes where just bigger and stronger than him. The rest of Hoseok's group held Taehyung back. Yoongi's voice was loud as he tried to help Tae.

"And shove something in that other fag's mouth to shut him up." Hoseok yelled at Yoongi's captors before turning his attention back to Taehyung. "Well back again are we. Time for another lesson. What shall it be this time? How 'bout a lecture? On how worthless you are?"

Taehyung tried to shield himself but soon gave up simply going limp instead of wasting energy. When Hoseok had decided to stop he gestured to his gang to let him go. The younger boy simple collapsed curling himself into a ball.

"It's okay guys. I'll finish up here then come out. You go ahead."

Once he was sure there was only Taehyung and him he looked back down at Tae.

"Do you want to know why I'm doing this?"

There was no answer.

"Because I'm the only one who'll ever truly love you. Your too worthless for anyone else. Tell anyone about this little chat and you're dead."

With that Hoseok turned on his heel and left. Every fibre of Tae's body ached yet he still managed to pull himself up into a crawl to make his way towards the janitor's closet.

Shouting and loud banging was coming from the small room. Clearly the methods of Hoseok's gang were not sufficient. Taehyung twisted the door nob, unlocking the door and Yoongi burst out. The older looked around then saw Taehyung who was now slumped on the wall beside him.

His eyes widened as he grabbed the younger's shoulders pulling into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

At Yoongi's words Taehyung really burst into tears while shaking his head. Yoongi's face was already covered in tears but more sprang to his eyes. Taehyung lifted his head to look at Yoongi.

"Said... He.... Only one..... Truly love me.... Deserve this..... He.... Says.... Kill me if I tell."

And with that Taehyung collapsed.

I'm Sorry . TaegiWhere stories live. Discover now