Part A

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Yoongi's POV

My body moved faster than my brain as my hands went to pull Taehyung into my chest. My brain sluggishly noted that my arms went around the back of Tae's knees and shoulders. Tears continued to flow from my eyes as I rushed outside to my car.

In my rush to get the unconscious boy to my car I didn't notice the figure who shamefully hung his head at the sight before him.

I gently placed Taehyung in the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt before rushing to my own side while pulling out my keys.

As I was pulling out of the car park I ran my hand through Tae's hair, wishing that he was okay, my gut saying he definitely wasn't. My heart hammered, tears still running down my face as I ran my hand over his cheek, begging him to be okay.

I finally reached the hospital, moving faster than I ever had in my life. I struggled slightly with the weight of the unconscious boy, but right now it didn't matter.

"Hey do you need help?"

The voice made my blood boil, as I came face to face with Hoseok.

"Of course not you selfish asshole. You're the reason he's where he is right now. Your plan might have been perfect, bully Tae so that no-one will come near him, but you didn't realize that it brought neither of you happiness and has broken a once happy and joyful person. I hope you're happy with yourself. Now if you'll excuse me I have to fix the mess you just made," and with that I moved past him and into the hospital.

I was immediately spotted by a nurse, who pressed some button and came around the nurse's station with a hospital bed, which I placed him on. He was quickly wheeled away, out of my sight, and although I knew it was for the best, it still broke my heart.

I sank into a hospital chair my head in my hands, moisture still in my eyes. After what felt like hours, I heard footsteps, and looked up, only to see the exact opposite of what I was hoping. 

"I thought I'd made myself clear, when I told you to stay away," I said, eyes narrowed.

"Well clearly I'm not good at listening," he said, looking sad and guilty, all the emotions that he deserved. "Look I know it far too little far too late, but I want to apologize. For everything."

"You do realize that you're never going to get Tae back," I said matter-a-factly. "I'm going to make sure of it."

"I know. I don't know what I want anymore. I know that I'm guilty and things like this can't be forgiven. I haven't told anyone this, but if I makes any difference, I can't remember a time where I've felt romantic or sexual feelings for anyone. I feel numb, and for some reason I convinced myself that Tae could make me feel something, but when he couldn't I did something that I will regret to the day I die."

His last words were shaky, and I took a moment to process what he had just said. I let out a sigh.

"Look. I know that sexuality and labels and all that can be hard, and choosing one doesn't have to be a big deal. You don't have to choose one, you just have to be human. If you want to date someone and they want to date you too then you do that. If you want to stay single and become a cat lady, do that," I said. 

He gave me a look which looked slightly surprised and thankful. "Look I don't trust you, or ever will, and this doesn't mean that I forgive you, and confused feelings isn't an excuse for hurting anyone, but I understand some of what you're feeling, and if you were wanting to change your ways, I would be willing to help."

He simply stared at for me for a moment, so I decided to continue.

"There is no point in making others fear you, and the people who you surround yourself are only negative. You may believe that they make you stronger, or you might be keeping them because you believe that they are the only ones that will follow you, but you need to realize that, that way of living is not right, and friendship isn't having followers." 

"Friendship is sticking by someone through the bad and the good, protecting each other and caring for each other. I want to help you, but only if you're willing and agree not to hurt people anymore."

I let that sink in before he finally replied with,

"I always thought you were cold and reserved. I change my mind now. What you're saying seems to make sense, and I want to be a better person. Thankyou. For all of that."

I just nodded my head in response to his smile, which seemed genuine and for once, not menacing. 

Someone approached me, and when I saw it was the doctor I quickly got to my feet. 

"The nurses tell me you are the man who brought in the injured boy," they doctor said.

I quickly nodded in response.

"Well a few of his ribs are broken, and there was some internal bleeding, but that seems to be the worst of it. Luckily the lungs weren't punctured, so other than the ribs, he just has multiple bruising areas," from the corner of my eye I saw Hoseok lower his head in shame. "He's awake now, although we recommend alot of rest. We have him on pain medication, and just took him off the anesthetic so don't be concerned by the needles he has."

"Thankyou doctor-"

"Kim," he finished. "He's in room 4 ward 6. Look after him won't you."

I smiled reassuringly, "Of course."

The doctor walked off and I practically ran to ward 6, Hoseok right behind me. When I reached the room, I took a deep breath, and pushed open the door. 

My breath hitched at this sight of my bruised boyfriend.

"Tae? Oh Tae," I said, more tears forming in my eyes. His eyes met mine and I could see tears in them. When I reached his side, my legs gave out and I sank to my knees. "Thank goodness you're okay. I was so worried."

He gave me a smile, and his finger tips met my cheek.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice croaky.

I gave him a warm smile, and nodded my head.

"I'm good," I replied, trying to blink away the tears.

"Then why are you crying?" he asked with a frown.

"Cause I'm happy that you're okay," I said, my hand moving up to hold his. He gave me a smile, but expression changed to one of fear when he looked over my head.

I quickly turned around. I had forgotten that Hoseok was standing at the door. He stood with a sad smile.

"It's okay," I assured Tae. "At least I think it is. He and I talked, and we have an agreement of sorts."

Tae's body relaxed slightly, although the smile didn't return to his face.

"Do you want me to leave?" asked Hoseok quietly, his voice making Tae flinch. Take took a moment, before he shook his head.

"No, it's okay. What was the agreement?" he said, while simultaneously gesturing for me to sit next to him. I knew immediately that he needed to feel protected, so I complied, gently placing myself next to him, his head immediately finding my shoulder. 

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