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"Morning mom" sleepy jimin said rubbing his eyes when his mother seat on the edge of his bed a genuine smile decorating her face

"Morning sweety" she pecked her son's forehead and ran her fingers in his soft locks a habit she had since jimin was a little child "slept well my princess?"

"Mom I'm 26 now don't call me that" jimin said pouting

"But you still look like 6" jimin's giggles filled the room when she started tickling him.

It was like it happened yesterday, her beloved son telling her that he likes a guy it wasn't a problem really.. his parents was open minded. the shock came one year after when he came home holding hands with his boyfriend yoongi and dropped the bomb "we're getting married" the house fall to a terrible silence, confused and questionning gazes exchanged between his parents "jimin baby you two are still young just take it slow" his mother said and looked for her husband for support "yeah sweety you know we support you whatever you do.. just don't jump like that.. you still have college remember?"

Jimin and yoongi had already made their decision and ignored any of the advices telling them to hold on and rethink it again.. he even ignored his mother's plead to see the real yoongi. She never liked the guy, he was too calm and lazy his eyes were mysterious and his smile was fake, sure he loved jimin but he's not the one for him, he can't take care of him.. hell he can't take care of himself he's an underground rapper how is he suppose to gain money of that. They were stupid teenagers love pictured the marriage as heaven for them.. but two years was enough so they can see the real side of each other

Yoongi got bored of his sweet little husband he wanted more.. more then just one person in his life he needed a different guy that argue with him and tell him not to do things he shouldn't do, he wanted someone who makes his life different and difficult because jimin was so easy and predictable, when they had an argument he always give up letting the other win. Jimin was very soft and yoongi got bored of softness

A year after their marriage, yoongi started changing his attitude, he became violent always angry and spitting words that are vinum to jimin. He's not the yoongi he met years ago but jimin hold on to him more of fear of his parent's 'we told you so'

Jimin kept by yoongi's side even when the older came home late at night drunk, even when he smelt like sex, even when he beat the heck out of him.. not because he loved him.. hell no he was over him the moment the older refused having a baby monthes ago and told him to get rid of it.. jimin stayed by his side because he didn't want to be a bother for his parents again not when he's 25 and has nothing, no job no money no house.. no life.

That all ended that day when jimin entered the apartment to witness his husband fucking another guy.. jackson another rapper, in their bedroom.. on their bed. The view stick in his memory hunting him, he knew yoongi was cheating on him, he saw the hickies and bruises he never made, but seeing this live in his house was another thing. So when he gathered the courage to ask the blond for divorce the latter was more then ready, couple days after the divorce papers was on his nightstand with a note that said 'sign them quickly and let's get over it.. and start packing your stuff because jackson will move with me soon'

They divorced and jimin came back to his parents house like he never left, he found the same love and the same safety they always gave him.. it was like nothing happened, like it was all a nightmare, he cried his eyes out of regret and swears to himself that he will never do anything that his parents doesn't approve. Even now when he's 26 he found himself asking his mother if he can attend this interview at one of the biggest fashion companies in south korea

"Good luck babe.. show them how to slay" his hyper mother said holding a fist up as a 'hwaiting' sign

"Mom that's cheesy" followed by his so famous giggling that his mother grown addicted to hear

"Love you sweety" she said and kissed his cheek as another way to say thanks for existing, jimin get it and respond by engulfing her in a warm expressing hug as a thanks for staying by my side

"Ok beautiful I have a job meeting to attend, see you later"

"Ok call me when you're done princess"


"Ok ok sorry tough man"

When jimin make it to the company his jaw dropped seeing how many designers was there, he felt self cautious remembering the time he lost after succeeding the college, he could continue, he could get a job back then, he was really talented but he choosed not to. Jimin thought of going back home because he has a zero chance competing with those professional people but the thought of his mother and her disappointed face stopped him and he decided to go through it till the end even if he had no chance

He heard the others chitchats about the job they said that the salary was beyond imagination and that the accepted people got to compete in the famous 'winter fashion' run by the kim's family. Others were talking about the director of the company they said he was young and handsome the girls were having their own fantasies about him describing how hot the guy was, jimin cupped his face to lessen the confusion when he heard his name been called "number 74 park jimin" that's when he think that he should really go home.

Jimin opened the door of the room and walked in wearing the most fake confidence face he had when he darted his eyes to look at the men on the desk he locked eyes with a dark brown eyes strong and deep like ocean the owner of those eyes was confused or maybe.. shocked? why does he seem so familiar? And so freaking hot.

Jimin averted his gaze to the floor that looked more interesting right now

"Park jimin introduce yourself" came the voice of the other guy next to the hot one

"I'm park jimin 26 years old, I'm an art major at seoul art uni, I will do my best in the job if I had the honor to get it"

The next thing the hot guy said jimin didn't expect of all the things he could ask "your profile said that you're divorced, why is that?"

Jimin's face go blank he could see the brown hair man elbow the guy whispering 'what the hell?' The raven hair male spoke again "It's for the sake of the company, if you're a bad guy we can't hire you what if you're an alcoholic or a serial killer or a Pedophile.. not that I care about you or anything, I don't.. because I don't even know you it's the first time I see you why would I care it's just for the company ok? It's not personal or anything coz like I said I don't know you, I maybe look like I know you but that's totally not true you're face is really strange for me.. I'm not saying that you're ugly it's just strange.. or new.. yes new is the world" the guy wouldn't stop if his friend didn't shut him up letterly by putting his hand on his mouth, if jimin was confused before walking in he's now more then a mess after the hot guy's non-stop statement

"Do I really have to answer that? I-i mean it's personal and I'm not a serial killer I promise"

"Like I said it's for the sake of the company not that I ca.."

"Shut up jungkook" the brown hair male spoke then turned to jimin with a weak smile on his lips "you don't have to if you do not want it" jimin's heart softened after that

"My ex.. I caught him cheating on me" he said lowering his head in amberessement and regret

"How?" The guy jungkook said coldly and jimin decided that this man is a psychic when the other man face palm himself

"Cheating on me with another man.. sexualy?"

"You *cough* deserve it *cough*" it ment to go innoticed but jungkook is too stupid to cover it he continued taking notes on the paper on his desk then he left up his face and looked at jimin with a raised eyebrow "oh you still here?" And Jimin could burry his face under the ground because of that

"I hate that guy" he mumbled to himself on his way home.

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