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Next day, jimin was grinning like an idiot, happiness radiating of his angel like face rendered him shining with the unmistakable beauty of being in  love

Taehyung wasn't any better, the stretch of his boxy smile almost looks painful, but he could careless when his long term boyfriend was there after what felt ages

Taehyung sat with jimin in the lunch area, seeming to sens his happiness, eyed him up and down curiously "are you in love?" Taehyung blurted what made jimin chock on his food

"I mean look at you all smiles and blushes.. and there's a sparks in your eyes you're definitely in love" Taehyung ignored the shocked expression on jimin's face and scooted closer, carding jimin's small hands in his larger ones, his face too close to the older's "it's my dumbass best friend right?"

Jimin's face got hotter to the mention of jungkook "w-what are you t-talking about" he stuttered

"Yah stop being cute jiminie" taehyung pinched his red cheeks cooing than continued "when is he coming back anyway he took too long this time"

Jimin's face fell, it's true it had been 13 days and he's supposed to take only one week, he talked to jungkook all the time but he couldn't but feel uneasy to the idea of jack being near the younger "he's coming in two days" he said pouting massively

Taehyung sensed the sad tone in jimin's voice and he chuckled

A chair was pulled out and jaebum sat beside jimin "morning gorgeous" he greated jimin with a genuine smile and a hand on his back, taehyung cleared his throat to indicate his presence.. and annoyance

Jaebum finally took his eyes of the frozen jimin to look at the other male in the table "good morning Kim" taehyung just nodded

"So uh.. can we talk later jimin, I need to tell you something" jaebum said his eyes roaming jimin's face, lately, jaebum was more open about his feelings and touches toward jimin, he never lost a chance to caress jimin's hands or back always calling him beautiful and gorgeous, jimin would feel in heaven if it wasn't for his recent feelings toward jungkook

The hand moving up and down his spine felt burning, and the sweet smile on the taller's face is nauseating, jimin need to tell him that he wants to be with jungkook.. for real "okey let's meet after work" jaebum smiled to that, and they ate in silence, taehyung glancing at them from time to time

"JIMIN HYUNG!" A familiar voice called breathlessly from the other side of the cafeteria startling jimin and the others

Jimin looked in the direction of the said voice than just shrugged, he shook his head in disbelief "oh god I started seeing things" he told taehyung who was raising an eyebrow at his dumb friend

"Hyung!" The voice came closer to their table and jimin froze, his eyes fixated on taehyung's face seeking an explanation as to why he's hearing jeon jungkook's voice right beside him when the younger should be thousands miles away from korea, he only got a wink from the other and he gulped

He turned his head slowly to the owner of the velvety voice, his eyes fogged by tears when he saw a breathless jungkook, he looked like he was running, face red and sweaty, lips parted and his bangs sticking to his forehead

"J-jungkook?" Jimin asked not believing his eyes

"I'm here baby" a sweet smile decorated jungkook's lips, it showed pure fondness, he moved forward to touch his jimin's face and wipe his streaming tears, but jimin was faster when he jumped on him claiming his lips

The familiar lips felt like heaven, soft as always but rougher, hungrier jungkook felt weak

He wrapped his arms around jimin's small waist pulling him closer to his body, tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss, not caring that they were being watched not when jimin felt this good against him, the older's arms around his neck with his small fingers intertwining in his hair

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