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Next day in the office was'nt less awkward for Jimin, his boss's sudden show of interest is still confusing him.. the 'good morning hyung' is also different (not really coz he never heared it before), more polite and smiley and soft.. WHAT?. Jimin felt weird about it now. maybe he shouldn't focus on it more, maybe he should focus on someone else.. like jaebum who was standing there in the hallway dressing to kill as always and staring at him also as always, jimin flashed him a sincere smile that he returned with a slight smirk on his lips.. as always yeah

Another meeting was set up for this morning, as usual jungkook sits in the head of the table taehyung on his right while jimin on his left, next to him was jaebum (of course jaebum who else would it be) and jungkook frowns when he notices the smiles exchanged between the two, they look a bit too comfortable with each other jungkook had to avert his gaze (and mind) but jimin looks hella fine in that black shiffon blouse that left his pale milky chest on full display, he only had to bow a little so you can get a glimps of his freacking nipples, and jimin bows A LOT (stupid manners)

Another meeting was set up for this morning, as usual jungkook sits in the head of the table taehyung on his right while jimin on his left, next to him was jaebum (of course jaebum who else would it be) and jungkook frowns when he notices the smil...

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who on earth allow him to look like that, is he trying to get in someone's pants? Because if he is, it should be jungkook's.

As frustrated as he can be, jungkook went through the details for the next laundry collection the designers are working on. Although it looks complete but jungkook always find it missing something, girls underwear, yes you can come up with new ideas from the fabric to the color to the design and the girls designers did great in creating the sexiest panties and bras jungkook's company ever had. But the boys didn't come up with such good ideas, but to be honest what is there to be creative for in boxers right?

"We wont be releasing the collection any time soon if we don't come up with a new idea.. it's just leaking" jungkook admits to the others dissapointement

"We don't have that much time jeon.. the other companies had already released their collection two months ago and your father is still asking about ours" taehyung added

"You brother's  collection wasn't that much of a success though.. the stores only took what they need of the women laundries so basically they gained only 40% of what they already spent on the whole collection" jimin says in one breath taking the attention of all the persons around the table some of them impressed and others proud of him because it was his first time interrupting a meeting and when he noticed all the eyes on him he shies away and continues "i did a research?" But it was more question than a statement

"True we have to slay the men underwears" says jinyoung

"Well I-I have an i-idea?" IU stuttered barely audible

"Yes?" Says jungkook encouraging the said girl to continu but the girls face was as red the red sweater she was wearing

"Ga-gay society" she stutters again cheeks burning in amberessement but continued nevertheless "panties for guys" she spit finally than hides her face in her hands. She heard a gasp coming from sulli and hyuna chuckles beside her but the man in the room were speechless

"Is that even a thing?" It was mark who started "i mean do gay people really wear those?" He said looking to his right where jinyoung was sitting the later faked an offended look " don't look at me man i'm not into the 'D' ask jimin he's the most experienced of us all" and with that all the eyes were on him waiting for his response in anticipation

"Of course it's sexy and comfortable" jimin said and jungkook had to reach the water bottle on the table because his throat suddenly goes dry but jimin decide to describe more "specially thongs those are my favorite" that's it the water that suppose to be down jungkook's throat is all over his best friend (ex best friend from now on) followed by a serie of coughing awkwardly in a sorry attempt to bring oxygen back to his lungs


"S-sorry i need to use the bathroom" jungkook rushed out of the room before his bulge is more obvious followed by jaebum who had a dark expression on his face "me too" he said before disappearing out the door feeling his head heavy and thumbing like drums not missing jinyoung's "buddy i could live my whole life without that picture in my head" and mark's "you made me doubt my life choices" or taehyung's "and i thought i'm a gay"

As confused as he can be, jimin's eyes followed the two men's backs retreating but shrugs it off moments later when the others 'kind of' like the idea. The meeting didn't continue of course but jungkook made it clear that they will work on the idea, he approved it and allowed them to work on it with out a second thought, it could be a huge fail though, he would laughed of but he couldn't bring himself to care WHAT DO YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT FASHION? PARK JIMIN WORE THONGS YOU PUNKS


At night, jungkook was still struggling with the image of jimin in thongs in his head, eventhough he jercked off to it in the company's bathroom earlier, but it's still there haunting him every time he closes his eyes like it's printed inside of his eyelids.. jimin on the bed in only one piece of cloth and it barly covering his crotch, than jimin turn on his belly and there the freacking delicious butt cheeks of his.. jungkook is going to cum just by the thought of it "it's gonna be a long night" he muttered on his pillow

Little did he know he's not the only one struggling with that same thought? Jaebum wasn't any thing better than him actually the guy has came twice by now and he's now trying to draw that sinfull idea on the white of his canvas.. mouth watering at this rate


A/N: don't kill me guys, i have a good reason as to why i didn't update in so long.. a reason that i can't share coz it doesn't exist oops

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