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"Wakeup princess!" Jimin's mother said leaning closer to her son's face and smiled when she felt him shifted in his bed and opened one eye trying to glare but failed when she pecked his forehead

"Don't call me that~ I'm not a baby anymore" he said eventhough he knew his mother will never stop petting him like a child

"You were always my princess and you will ever be sweety" she answered pinching his cheeks "now get up, we don't want you to be late in your first day at work" and that all he needed to kick the sheets and jump of his bed to get ready for his first job ever.

Jimin dressed in a fitted white dress shirt tucked in his tight beige chinos, he looked really good in the business outfit his milky white skin showing from the collarbone slightly down to the chest where it's unbuttoned, and the pants are hugging him well in the right places complementing his ass and thighs and revealing his ankle bone, his fluffy orange hair was parted in the middle and fell perfectly on his forehead and eyes, his mother forced him to put on eyeliner and lip palm after half an hour of wrestling.

Jimin steped in the kitchen and set on the other side of the table facing his dad who was reading his daily business magazines "morning dad" he said munching on his toast "Morning jim.." his father stopped when he saw him and raised an eyebrow "I thought you're a personal assistant not a model, why the makeup son?"

"Mom did that, is it that bad?" jimin answered pouting

"No you look gorgeous but.. too feminine, your mother is trying to get you laid by the evening"

"eeeew dad~"

His father burst laughing at his facial expression. He always told his wife to stop treating jimin like a child but she never listens. Before jimin was born they had a child 'jihyun' he meant everything for both of them but he was sick he had leukemia, the 5 years old boy suffered his not so much years before he died and left his parents in an intense pain and emptiness. The mother was on edge of mental break down when the doctor told her that she's pregnant.  Since then she always treated jimin like a precious breakable jewel, like a princess..

SoEun, jimin's mother walked in dressed elegantly with the car keys in her hand "I'm ready babe let's get going" she said smiling brightly, jimin chocked in his juice looked at his father and said "please tell me she's talking to you" his father shaked his head amused "sorry son" he was containing his laughers again

"I'm talking to you princess, I'm driving you"

"NO mom you can't I'm not in high school anymore" he tried arguing but he knows he's useless with his stubborn mother "I can drive, say something dad"

Jimin pouted all the way to the company with SoEun trying to lighten the mood, every time she drops a joke he glares at her but end up laughing like a maniac when she put on the puppy face. They made it to the company in 45min she parked few buildings away.

"One day I will visit you inside the building" she said excited and jimin wanted to die. SoEun cupped jimin's face and planted multiple kisses to his face despite his attempt to runaway. "Take.." she said and handed him a box.. lunch box and jimin's jaw dropped

"Oh my god mom there's a cafeteria there and food and.." jimin stopped again because he knew it's useless

Jimin was stepping out of the car pouting when he saw a familiar figure looking directly at them through the car front glass than came his mother's voice "is that Im Jaebum? He works here?"

"Yes" answered briefly not breaking the eye contact with the taller male, jaebum smiled than bowed to SoEun and she smiled back

"You know each other?" Jimin asked confused

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