Chapter 1: Garp

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(Y/n) let out a sad sigh as she stared up at the clouds go by in the tree she slept in that night. Today was the anniversary of the day her life ended. The day that her entire life, her entire future was washed away right before her eyes.

She let out one more sigh before rubbing her face and hopping down from the tree. Her stomach grumbled and she knew it was time to go hunt. Now, while it is very dangerous for a little girl to be alone in the woods for so long, with a girl like (y/n), that's not the case. (Y/n) is an outcast because when you live out here, you kind of only have yourself to rely on.

She grabbed her dagger she had gotten from her brother and went off deeper into the woods. She got deep into thought for while as she hiked up the mountain and her body was set on autopilot. (Y/n) was still somewhere off in her head when she bumped into what she initially thought was a mountain. (Y/n) looked up and saw something that was not a mountain, but an old man wearing a marine uniform. Her eyes widened in fear and she began slowly walking backwards in hopes that if she moved slow enough, he wouldn't notice her.

The man turned around and stared at her with a questioning look. She knew this man was a marine but she didn't like marines just as much as she didn't like pirates. When her village was attacked, the marines just stood there and watched as people burned in their houses while others got slashed down. She didn't care who he was; she was told by her family to not trust anyone regardless of who they were.

She clenched her dagger in her small hand, preparing to strike him. Before she could, the dagger was snatched from her hand so fast that she didn't even see it happen. "Geez kid, there's no need to go around waving that thing." The old man said, looking over the small dagger in his much larger hand. (Y/n) glared at him with hatred, backing away until her back hit a tree. The large man approached with shocking speed. Before she knew what was happening, the man had plucked her off the ground like a berry off a bush.

"The name's Garp. I, uh ... I didn't expect to see anyone else out here. Where are your parents?" Garp asks, scratching his head with a finger.

"I don't have any, so get away from me or I'll kill you!" (Y/n) screamed at him, flailing in his grasp.

'What does it matter if I have parents? He's got some nerve asking me about something that's my business and my business only!' (Y/n) thought, hissing at Garp like a cat, clawing and swinging at nothing because Garp was holding her smartly away from himself.

"No parents?" Garp said but it was more a question to himself. 

'Obviously she has no parents. Her clothes are terrible and she looks like she's been wandering in the woods alone for who knows how long.' Garp thought.

"No! Stupid pirates! I'll kill em all after I'm done with YOU" She cried, swinging with more vigor than before. Garp's stare hardened but it wasn't directed at the girl. Just the idea of no-good pirates hunting down any child made his blood boil with rage.

"Ah, well that's...I'm sorry." Garp sighed with a sad look on his face. Garp had no idea what he was supposed to do with this girl. He couldn't leave her here but where was he supposed to take her?

 'What the hell should I do with this brat? She's got no family, and I can't just leave a kid in the woods...with good conscience. Hmm.....well I was headed that way anyways so it might be my only choice.' Garp thought, humming to himself in agreement.

"If you're all alone, then I'm going to take you to some folks that will take care of you. How's that sound?" Garp smiles, already beginning his trek towards his destination. (Y/n) stays struggling in his grip, not thrashing as hard. All that struggling has made her exhausted. 

"No way! Let me go! I don't want to go anywhere with you, you old bastard!" (Y/n) screeched, now trying to pry off his grip rather than thrash anymore.

However, Garp was far too strong to drop someone that easily. He's had plenty of practice carrying Luffy and Ace around like this so some little girl was like nothing. There wasn't any way to stop her from squirming so Garp just let her get it all out until she tuckered herself out.

"Let me go! You don't have the right to kidnap me, damn it!" (Y/n) punched him repeatedly. 

'I'll be damned if I let this happen again without a fight!' She thought, her mind going back to the last time someone had nabbed her.

It hadn't been her fault. She was just going to steal a little food until she could learn to use that dagger right but she got caught. She was hauled off to a storehouse, beaten bloody and bruised until she was on the brink of death. The only reason she lived was because the island she was on got raided and she managed to sneak away in the chaos.

"Stop squirming! I'm not kidnapping you! Besides, I'm sure you'll fit right in where I'm taking you with that attitude of yours" Garp glared at her, becoming increasingly annoyed with the screeching little shrew he had in his midst. 

"Fit in where!? What are you talking about old man!" (Y/n) angrily questioned, tears building in her eyes. She gave up trying to escape and something in her gut told her that wherever Garp was taking him, they were almost there.

 'A slave trade? A meat plant? A shady drug house?' (Y/n) thought the worst.

"Dadan's hut."

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