Chapter 2: Meeting the boys

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--- At Dadan's hut

Garp knocked harshly on the front door to this hut. The hut itself looked pretty nice. It was large and surprisingly looked well taken care of. There were parts in the walls and the roof that appeared newer than other places as if someone repaired it multiple times.

Heavy stomping came from the start other side of the door, increasing in volume the closer the figure got. 'Is that a monster?' (Y/n) questioned, intimidated by someone who she's never even seen before. How pathetic.

"WHO DAR- oh Garp!" Dadan had started with a furious yell but quickly calmed down when she saw it was Garp. (Y/n) thought it was the strangest exchange she had ever seen in her life.
"This is (y/n) and you will be raising her." Garp stated bluntly, presenting her to Dadan. (Y/n) huffed, sticking her tongue out and pulling down her eyelid to mock Dadan. She didn't care who this was; she could totally take her in a fight!

"IF YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT I AM GOING TO RAISE A FOURTH LITTLE BRAT, THEN YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING, GARP! " Dadan got all up in his face, each word she spat laced with venom.

"YOU WILL IF YOU DONT WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IN PRISON! NOW DO AS I SAY< WOMAN!" Garp shouted so loud that (y/n) could have sworn that the whole earth had shook in response. 'Huh, so I guess it is a woman.'

"...Fine." Dadan said between her gritted teeth. Begrudgingly, she snatched (y/n) and thanked Garp in the most insincere way possible. Garp had still accepted it and (y/n) wondered if he couldn't tell she wasn't being honest or if he just didn't care.

Garp had planned to only check up on the boys but as he was on his way here, he had gotten a call that he was needed back at headquarters. He'd kill whoever called him back but he still had to go back. It was orders. "I'll be back in a week. This girl better still be here or you're going to rot in jail for the rest of you life!" Garp shouted at Dadan but she didn't shout back. Instead, she just waved and smiled sweetly, resting a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder.

"Alright, brat - as long as you live here, you will do chores, chores, and more chores, got it?" Dadan screeched as soon as Garp was out of sight.

"No way, old hag! I'm not your slave!" (Y/n) stuck her tongue out again, picking her nose. Dadan was seething in anger so (y/n) just assumed it was her default emotion and went with it. Dadan jumped to grab for her but a simple side-step and Dadan was face-down in the dirt. 

(Y/n) laughed loudly at her, doubling over in laughter. The men inside cowered in fear, a few hiding behind furniture while the others cowered in groups. Steam was pouring out of her ears and her whole face turned as red as a cherry. "YOU LITTLE INGRATE! YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE REST OF THEM!" Dadan exploded in anger, her arms flailing as she made more grabs for (y/n), every time missing her mark.

"I still don't know who they are." (Y/n) huffed a strand of (h/c) hair out of her face, crossing her arms. "They'r-" Dadan was interrupted by the door slamming open and hitting her directly in the face, causing her to fall down. In the doorway stood three boys holding a gigantic dead alligator.

"Oi, Dadan we're back!" The boy with a straw hat shouted, waving to the men in the hut.

"-And we brought food, so cook it!" The boy with freckles shouted, tossing the corpse into the hut carelessly on the floor.

The three noticed Dadan boiling in rage on the floor and they began taunting her with their laughter like (y/n) had been doing moments before. Their laughing was short lived moments later when they started getting chased around the hut by Dadan.

As the entire ordeal played out, (y/n) stood there glaring at them with hesitation and mistrust. They were boys, and boys were mean and selfish creatures. They only cared about themselves and if you got in their way, they wouldn't hesitate to take care of you.

(Y/n) cleared her throat and that got the boys attention. Despite Dadan still boiling behind them, she stopped chasing them so her team could calm her down with soothing words and reassurances. The three odd-looking boys stared at her and that unnerved her. She's always hated people who stared.

"Oi, Dadan! Who's the girl?" Ace kicked Dadan in the shin with a glare, pointing at (y/n).

" rotten - that's (y/n) and Garp dropped her off to live with us. Congratulations." Dadan said, rubbing her kicked shin. (Y/n) glared at them with a sullen frown but Ace just glared right back. Meanwhile, the other two just smiled at her. Somehow, the glare she had received was more calming to her than the smiles. The first to approach her was Luffy, the boy in the straw hat.

"Hi! I'm Luffy, and that's Sabo and that's Ace!" Luffy smiled at her, pointing to each of the boys as he said their names. Luffy was probably only a year younger than she was and she was just a hair taller as well.

Sabo walked up to her next and waved hello. "So, (y/n) - that's a nice name." Sabo smiled at her as well, being so sweet that (y/n) wondered what their alternative motive was. (Y/n) didn't respond, instead just standing there in confusion, her fists clenched at her sides. Why were they saying these things? Nobody's ever said anything even remotely as nice as that to her before.

"Oi! You guys! Don't talk to her!" Ace shouted angrily, grabbing his brothers so they were both a little bit hidden behind him. 

"Why not, Ace?" Luffy asked, sounding disappointed. "Because - she's a girl, and girls are weak little crybabies!" Ace pointed at her accusingly, a harsh smirk replacing the sullen glare he had moments earlier.

'Of course they hate me. They're boys so what else is new.' (Y/n) sighed, clenching her fists and hardening her glare.

"But, Ace what's wrong with that?" Sabo asked, sounding as distressed as Luffy.

"Yeah, what's wrong with being a girl, freckle face?" She spat at Ace, folding her arms.
"Nothing's wrong with being a girl (y/n)." Dadan told her but (y/n) just hissed at her until she backed away. "Yes there is! Girls are weak and can't fight! They just get in the way" Ace growled, gesturing to (y/n).

"Oi! Be nice to (y/n)! She's gonna be our new friend!" Luffy hugged her regardless of how upset she looked. (Y/n) froze in his grasp but she didn't make any move to get away from him. The hug was nice and she felt almost warm in his surprisingly rubber-feeling arms. Suddenly, she was very aware of her position when Luffy tightened the hug. She gasped, ducking away from Luffy so she had a moderate amount of distance between them.

"Who said I was gonna be your friend, huh? I don't need your friendship crap." (Y/n) cracked her knuckles, making Luffy awe at how cool it had looked. She pulled her dagger from her pocket, thankful Garp had given it back to her before he left. Ace and Sabo froze at the sight of the sharp weapon. Being a stranger to them and being so close to their youngest brother, they easily got defensive, prepared to fight at any advance.

"Relax." She sighed, rolling her eyes as she passed them by. "I'm just leaving. You can take the stick out of your asses and shove it." (Y/n) flipped them off, walking out the door to rush into the woods.

"Wait! (Y/n) where are you going?" Luffy asked, attempting to run after her but she was too quick and his brothers were holding him back.


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