Chapter 4: Warm welcome

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(A/n) Luffy, Sabo, and Ace aren't brothers yet. I just call them brothers because it's easier.

-(Y/n) P.O.V-

I could never see the good in people. No matter how hard I looked deep inside them, I could never find a trace of a redeeming quality. The world is a cruel place, and I had to figure that out the hard way. Before the incident, I was just like how Luffy is now. Naïve, innocent...stupid. I used to think that everyone could be good if they just tried...but boy was I wrong. Those stupid childish hopes that everything would always be great were shattered after those pirates destroyed everything I was and everything I was gonna be. Even after I left the island, danger was everywhere. People seemed to get more and more evil as time went on. People would always try to mug the clothes off my back, rape, or even kill me. I don't know how much longer I can take of this. Maybe it would've been better if she let those pirates kill her along with her family.

Time skip~~Later that evening
(3rd person P.O.V.)

(Y/n) stared out at the sunset and sighed miserably,  wrapping her arms around her legs, shoving her head into her knees. She had been sitting in this tree for hours after she walked away crying from the boys. At his point, she was sure that her feet and butt had fallen asleep but still she didn't move. She felt ridiculous for crying in front of them. They already thought she was weak and useless. All crying did was confirm that. 

As the sun started getting lower and out of view, (y/n)'s stomach growled angrily from being ignored for so long. She was about to go hunt went she felt a raindrop hit her nose. Seconds later, the single raindrop had turned into a full on downpour, soaking (y/n) to the bone. She felt somewhat grateful to Garp for giving her a change of clothes before heading off, since by now her old ones would have been almost completely destroyed in the rain. Her new clothes were  a sky blue tank top, black shorts, and some sandals. (Y/n) sighed knowing that due to the rain, most of the animals would hide away until it stopped so she gave up on hunting. Grabbing her dagger, she headed back to Dadan's hut. She had promised she wouldn't go back there but she was NOT in the mood to sleep in the rain.

'I don't want to go back, not as long as Ace is there. But I guess I'll have to. I don't wanna get sick from the rain.' (Y/n) didn't like it, but decided to go back anyways.

After walking for a long while, she finally reached Dadan's hut. During her walk back, thunder and lightning had crashed all around her but (y/n) wasn't frightened. When she was only a few meters from the building, Magra poked his head out of the hut.

"Hey, Dadan! (Y/n)'s back!" Dadan stormed outside next to Magra, fully prepared to scream and scold (y/n) for being out so late in this weather. However, she stopped when she got a good look at her.

(Y/n)'s clothes were ripped in some parts, revealing small cuts from branches and thorns. She was so soaked from the rain that her shoes squeaked as she walked. Her (h/l) (h/c) was matted to her face, dripping on her clothes, and she was shivering. She held her arms like a scared and innocent child, but her face was void of all emotion. Dadan spared (y/n) the yelling, feeling gracious today, deciding to just let her inside.

The first thing she noticed when she walked inside was one of the bandits carrying a large tray of meat to the center of the room. 'Is it dinner time?' Before she could react, the tray was set down and everyone went at it like wild animals. Everyone was fighting for some meat (excluding Dadan). Before she could even walk towards the tray, all of the meat was gone, leaving none left for her. She tried not to look upset about it so she swallowed the lump in her throat and walked around the chaos that was still ensuing over the meat the three boys had brought home.

We're family!~~ASL x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin