Chapter 3: Stop following me!

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'(A/n) this is not what (y/n) looks like. This is just the face she makes later.'

(Y/n) ran out of the hut at full speed, rushing back to where she felt safe - the woods. She didn't need to be told that she was too weak to fight or that she ruined everything. She had heard the enough for one lifetime.

'That jerk! Thinks he can walk all over me and tell me how to live my life. I'll show him. I don't need to live there just because Garp said I do.' (Y/n) thinks as she picks up her pace.

She shakes away those thoughts but is then suddenly painfully aware of the sounds of multiple sets of footsteps and a whiny voice pleading for her to wait up. She chances a glance behind her. only to see Luffy desperately trying to keep up with her, with Ace and Sabo trying to catch him.

(Y/n) scoffs and makes a sharp turn through some thicket to try and lose them. But this was Ace, Sabo, and Luffy we were talking about. They wouldn't lose her so quickly. They did this every day! The three were unaffected by the sudden turn and continued to speed after her.

(Y/n) growls in frustration, deciding to try more difficult maneuvers to try run out the boys. She climbs and jumps up multiple trees, swings on vines, crosses heavily vegetated areas, and even cross crocodile infested rivers, but nothing seemed to shake them.

(Y/n) growls when they reach a clearing and stops so suddenly that she skids across the ground, creating a small dirt cloud. She's too exhausted to keep going and by the looks of the boys, they were in the same boat.

"STOP FOLLOWING ME!" The three boys stop and stare at her.

"Why do you insist on following me and getting all in my business?!" She stomps right up to luffy gets in his face.

"We wanna be friends!" Luffy smiles innocently, happy she stopped running finally.

(Y/n) winces and takes a step back. Why would they want to be 'her' friend?

"Not all three of us you idiot! I couldn't care less about being friends with this brat!" Ace shouts, pointing accusingly at her.

'What is his problem?' (Y/n) thinks as she glares and clenches her fists.

"What's your problem with me? What did I ever do to you? HUH!?" (Y/n) growls in Ace's face, gripping his red tank top.

Ace was at a loss for words for a minute, struggling to form a sentence. When he found his words, he started with a venomous glare.

"My problem is that I don't want you here! You're just some weak little crybaby that will get in the way of our fun!" Ace shouted back, getting in her face as well.

(Y/n) growled as tears pricked her eyes. Ace wasn't being fair!

"You're the ones who followed me out here in the first place! So don't go around telling me that I'm ruining your fun!" (Y/n) pushed past Ace, not wanting to look at him anymore.

"Sabo and I weren't following you! We were following Luffy! Why else would we even come near you? You're disgusting! You're a freak! Look at you." Ace spat.

(Y/n)'s glare dropped like a brick. Her eyes widened, and her fists unclenched before dropping them to her sides.

Flashes of that night came crashing down on her like a cave-in. Air drained from her lungs and she felt frozen in place. Even if she wanted to, she didn't feel like she could move. Her heart rate had exploded, tears building in her eyes so fast that her vision was getting blurry. 

Dozens of men with torches and swords chasing her down with no remorse or hesitation. Dozens of men spitting hurtful words at her, threatening her life and the corpses of her family.


"Ugh, it's disgusting. Look at these pathetic things." One said, kicking the corpse of her father.

"She'd fetch a pretty beri on the market. Look at her. What a freak."

When (y/n) said nothing in response, a heavy silence fell over the four children. Sabo looked devastated and Luffy looked more disappointed than anything.

"A-ace your being really mean." Sabo turned to Ace but he just brushed off his brother's worries.

"Yeah, Ace! You don't have to be so mean to (y/n)-chan!" Luffy was staring at her in worry. Since they met the girl, she's been all quips and comebacks. Her saying nothing was becoming increasingly concerning.

(Y/n) turned her head to stare at the boys. Ace didn't know what he was expecting her to do in response to what he said but it certainly wasn't this.

That look...

Ace has seen that look before and worn it many times. That look of sadness, anger, and pain haunted Ace's nightmares, kept him awake at night and prevented him from trusting anyone easily. He hated that look.

(Y/n) stared at Ace the entire time as if the other boys weren't there at all. Sabo took a step forward to comfort the girl but stopped himself. He didn't know her well enough to comfort her as he had no idea how she'd react. Luffy was on the brink of tears himself, a large frown biting his lip to keep his mouth closed. His eyebrows were furrowed and tears covered his eyes like a thin veil.

No one said anything for several moments and no one really wanted to be the one to speak. What are you supposed to say in this situation? Ace huffed through his nostrils, folding his arms as if to say "yeah, I meant what I said."

(Y/n) said nothing, turning heel to walk in the opposite direction of the three boys. Luffy gasped, advancing to stop her but Sabo rested a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. Sabo knew Luffy only wanted to help and so did he, but there wasn't anything either of them could do. This was a fight between Ace and (y/n).

The two boys watched Ace expectantly as if they were waiting for him to chase after the girl and apologize. Instead, Ace turned heel as well in the opposite direction of (y/n), heading back to the hut.

  Sabo and Luffy took another glance at (y/n) before following their brother. Sabo was right; there isn't anything they can do for her right now.

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