Days passed by qicklychapter 3

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Day 2 came around quickly in the morning the directors of the camp blast music to wake everyone up when they started the music I jumped it scared me Tyler seen me a laughed I giggled back.  Today we went kayaking but me and Tyler decided to take a canoe to share it  so we started paddling we were heading at a island after about half an hour later we arrived first!! Tyler get a basket out with a checkered red and white blanket he places it and puts the basket in the middle I sat down and looked at him with a smile "wow!! You thought of everything!!"  I told Tyler still with a smile on my face he said " I told you I got stuff planned!!" I giggled  he got out 2 sandwiches and 2 juice box and passes me one of each we ate and chatted a lot then we herd April one of the directors "go back in your boat we're heading back to camp " Tyler and I packed the pick nick and went in the canoe we were first one to leave again we stared paddling he brought me in a swamp were there was full of white flower on lily pads they were adorable he gathered a bunch of them and made a flower crown for me he came closer and places it on my head but we had to much weight at one spot so the canoe flipped over SPLASH! "Omg hahaha!!" I laughed Tyler said the same  we helped each other flip the canoe back the basket was floating so I grab it and put it in the canoe the blanket was on Tyler head so he put it into the canoe the flower crown was still on my head he helped me up back in the canoe and I offered to help but he got on. We looked at each other and giggled. We finally got back to camp all soak and wet we head to are room and change in comfy clothes. A couple of days later ...The last day came around:( but the camp always does a slow dance at the end of the camp so while they told all the campers to go in the wood they decorated the area. Me and Tyler went to the forest Tyler said to me "fallow me " so I did he brought me to this huge oak tree he help me climb the first branch then he came along we went about half way cause this tree is really high so half was enough for me and Tyler I looked around and said "amazing view up here" Tyler said "not as amazing as you" I looked at him and blushed so did he. About 25 minute later we hear a blow horn that mean to head back we start to go down the oak tree. Tyler was already down I was on the last 2 branches and me being clumsy I miss the branch and Tyler caches me we look in each other eyes and lean in but interrupted by a girl voices "guys we got to head back and get ready" of course it was Faith he let me down still looking straight in my eyes and we walk back together holding hand. The directors say the bathroom on the left is for the girls and the bathroom on the right is for the boys so we let go of are hands and head to the bathroom. I went in my room to get my stuff like my brush, my hair straightener and this really cute white and black knee dress oh and black flats while heading back to the bathroom I ran into Faith she put her and in front of me to stop me my eye widened she looked at me and said " you better back off of the Tyler because your going to regret everything I want to slow dance with him and you better give that to me you little uhh!!" then she took off that was weird! I get in the bathroom and start brushing my hair and put heat protecter and start straightening my hair when it was all done I go and put some makeup on I'm going for a casual look so just a little bit of foundation under my eye and places that need to be brightened I blend it with a sponge. I go off with some powder then I go for a cream eye shadow and a thin eye liner line and dab of mascara and gotta keep my lips moisturized  with  some Chapstick. I then go in a bathroom stall to go change in my dress I get out there then I slip on my flat shoes I go in my room to drop off all my stuff then head in the room where Tyler was talking to Tommy then Tyler turned around seeing me with is eye widened and mouth open he come up to me shall we I said okay ^_^ we dance slow dances it was an awesome night. My head resting on his shoulder and my hand rap around it neck he had his hand around my waist. In the back of Tyler I see a girl giving me a death stare and at my surprise it Faith but I don't care it my last day here and I want to enjoy it. Then Dale a director told to all the campers including  us it time to go to bed so I head to the bathroom look around no Faith I was my face to get everything off and head to my room Tyler was already in his pj I go and change as well and he went to go close the light this time we both fall a sleep one the spot. The morning light shined in are room not long after the music started we packed everything and head in the big meeting room I seen my mom that was picking me up and Tyler's dad next to her. Me and Tyler give each other a hug and he wispier in my ear text me and I nodded I get home and the first thing I do

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