Happiness✔️chapter 21

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I woke up to a snoring Noah I started at him a couple minutes then I looked at the time we were going to be late so I taped his shoulder he open his eyes he smiled I smiled back he let out a yawn then we got up. I felt very lazy today so I put leggings and a t-shirt Noah put some track pants and a t-shirt we went in are car and drove to university we walk down the hall together we completely ignored Ashley she got upset but I didn't really care. He kissed my cheek and I hugged him "I don't want to let go" I said "I know I know the week is going to go fast" he said so we let go and I walk in class I still sit beside Heidi we are like best friend. The day finished I drove home and just sat on the couch I herd Noah car pull in he came in and sat beside me. "Sooo what do you want to do?" He asked "i don't know" I said "how about we go make a supper and watch a movie" he said "sure"I replied we help each other he was in charge of doing potatoes and made Greek salad we then looked at a romantic adventurist movie after that we just went to bed with Boots sleeping like a donut beside me.
it was Saturday thankfully so I slept in a lot. When I woke up Noah was downstairs I tip toed and jump scared him. I scared him so good we laughed he then tackled me. We still kinda felt lazy so we ate cereal for breakfast I had to run to the store to get a couple things Noah stayed home to cut the grass and some outside jobs. I got to the market and picked up the things I needed avoiding all my chances to socialize I got to the cashier and my luck Ashley was the cashier she had the same reaction has me 'disgust' she rolled her eyes and just scanned my items she did not look at me and my eye wondered around the room. My last item was finally scanned I paid she past me my bags but dropped one on purpose just to piss me off "oops" she said I groaned and just look at her but I walked away without making a scene. I got home and Noah was done cutting the grass we relaxed for the rest of the day.
I called Zach just to hangout with him it felt like ages since we talked. He came to pick me up and we went to this awesome ice cream shop it was amazing may I tell you we talk and talk for hours we had leave cause the shop was closing we went to his apartment and we talk and then we didn't have anything to talk about are eyes were locked in each other's eyes Zach started getting closer to me and are lips touched my mind stop my heart sank and we just went with the flow I put my legs around his waist he sat me down on the counter and continued kissing me going down my neck then back up, I pulled of his shirt then started playing in his hair he placed his hands on my waist. My phone started to ring I broke the kiss and answered
-hey babe
~hey Noah what up
- just wondering when you'll come back home it 9
~oh yah sorry didn't see the time pass by ill be home in 10
-ok bye love you
~bye love you too
I looked down to Zach his eyes were wide "I'm Sooo sorry Dawson I don't know what got into me" Zach said breaking the silence "no don't put this all on yourself it my fault too I'm the one who should of said no" I said it was very awkward "I better go but can Noah not find out about this" I asked " your secret is safe with me" he said. I entered my car and let out a breath I look in my mirror and I drove off I pulled in the drive way and I got really nervous. I went inside the home Noah came and put his arms around my waist and kissed me "hey bade I missed you!" He said
Sorry i havent been writing I've been dealing with family issues and a fuck boy I'll be writing tomorrow also I'll try finishing the book this week!! Thank you for reading and bearing with me!! And this chapter I didn't know what to write I had a brain fart so I'm sorry if it was crappy I promise the next chapter will be very juicy!!!

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