Imagine Series 1 - Highschool

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A chilling breeze blew through the otherwise warm autumn air. You nervously awaited the arrival of the bus. It was the very beginning of a new story, your high school story. The loud grumbling of the bus engine could be heard long before it reached the stop. Squeaking the doors open, the bus driver gave you a small smile.

"Goodmorning sir!" You chirped.

"Goodmorning miss." He nodded gently at you.

You walked pass the first few empty seats, the loud voices of people excitedly speaking of what they had planned for this year wandered by your ears. You made a decision to sit beside a tall, awkward guy with curly brown hair and glasses framing his blue eyes resting on his cheekbones. Normally, you wouldn't have chosen to sit directly next to a stranger, but there were no other open seats. He felt you sit down beside him, tensing  up a bit.

"Hey!" You greeted the shy boy. He slowly looked up.


"My name's (Y/N), you?"


"Well Isaac, are you excited for high school? Er, you are a ninth grader right?" He nodded. "Hm that's what I thought. So, do you feel excited about it??" You moved your hands up to your face. He flinched, and shrugged. You figured you were being too up close and personal. "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's fine." He gave you a small smile.

The bus came to a stop at the front of the school. You waved goodbye to Isaac and wished him luck before turning to walk down the hall to your homeroom.

"Goodmorning!" You called to your teacher. She held a blank expression on her face as she nodded. Wow, that was rude. You thought to yourself. Scanning the half empty class, you picked a seat in the second row. A minute after you'd gotten yourself seated, a boy a few inches taller than you walked in. His dark brown hair fell just below his ears, chocolate eyes roaming the room before they landed on you. He caught you by surprise when he smiled and walked toward your direction, a shorter boy with a brown buzz cut you hadn't noticed before following behind him. The taller boy sat behind you, the one with the buzz cut sitting next to him. You felt your heart racing, both of the boys were more attractive than any of the guys you were close to. A tap on your shoulder made you jump.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The boy said as you turned to face him.

Smiling, you replied, "It's okay, I'm just a little j-jumpy today. Pr-probably the nerves you know?"

He grinned, "Yeah, I get it. My name is Scott by the way, and this, is my buddy Stiles." He directed towards the short, paler boy, who gave you a quick smile.

"Uh, I'm (Y/N)." He smiled at you, noting that it was a beautiful name.

Over the next week, you grew closer to both Scott and Stiles, and the classes you didn't have with them, you quickly made new friends. Isaac eventually warmed up to you, and the two of you spent every other minute out of school with each other.

Stiles became closer to you, friendship wise, than Scott. You could go to him to with nearly everything and were completely comfortable around him. It was different with Scott. There was always an air of awkwardness surrounding all of your actions. Butterflies rapidly appeared in your stomach, triggered by an action as small as him smiling at you. Stiles felt it too, even though you hadn't told him, and Isaac was the only one who knew about your little crush.

"(Y/N), there's something I've been meaning to ask you." Stiles asked abruptly one day at lunch, before Scott was there.

You stared at him, tensing up noticeably. He gave you a questioning look before a look of realization appeared on his face.

"Oh no, no I'm not, I wasn't going to ask you out." He said, his arms mimicking the shaking of his head. Relief washed over you and you nodded.

"What do you want to ask then?"

"I see the way you look at him...Scott that is."


"You don't have to explain yourself, or deny it, it's pretty obvious actually. The way you stiffen when touches you before you calm and try to 'act natural.' I can see it when your eyes linger on him a split second after he's already dropped his."

Fear coursed through your veins, "You won't tell him, will you?" Stiles gave you a sneaky smile. "Stiles." You glared at him.

"Yeah but see, he likes you too."

In that moment, you swore your heart stopped. "Wh- what?"

Stiles gave hearty laugh. "I swear, my best friends are both idiots. You don't see it either do you?" You shook your head. "He stares at the back of your head in first period like its Van Gogh's Starry Night or some shit like that. His face goes all lovey dovey when he sees you, or when he talks about you, or when anyone fucking mentions your name."

You smiled giddily, "Really?"

"Would I be making this up? YES, really."

"Hey guys!" Scott pulled a chair out beside Stiles. "What are we talking about?"

"Nothing." Both you and Stiles exclaimed before returning to your lunches.

Scott McCall ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz