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AU where (Y/N) and Scott McCall are both vigilantes keeping their city a little bit safer (think Arrow). They've both heard about each other via the news and other media but have never come face to face.
The eerie glow of the street lamps in the distance was the only source of light in the dark alleyway. Rarely were you this deep in this part of town. In fact, you should have been at home, studying for your history test, but after intercepting an emergency call from someone claiming that there was a dark figure trying to get into their homes, you had no choice. The police rarely took any calls from this part of town seriously. It would've been over half an hour before they drove here. You slinked between boxes and trashbins, concealing yourself in the shadows. Minutes later, you saw the perpetrator attempting to pick the lock, rattling the doorknob every five seconds to see if it would open. You were careful to observe a few seconds longer before intervening, in case it was simply some civilian locked out of their homes. The figure reached into its pocket, and you tensed. They pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the door.

"STOP!" You stepped out of the darkness as you caught their attention. The hood of the person fell off, revealing a rough, unshaven face, of a man in his early thirties. The man cracked a smile.

"It's you. You look much smaller than I thought you would, which is pretty funny since I've only seen you on a little twelve inch screen." The man looked you up and down. He pointed his gun your direction. "Scram before I bust your brains." You held your ground, reaching slowly for your whip. "I SAID SCRAM DID YOU HEAR ME?!" He clicked the trigger, and you whipped out your own weapon, but before you could act, he was on the ground, unconscious.

"What the-?" You looked behind the fallen man into the darkness. Two pairs of glowing yellow eyes looked back at you. "You're that wolf guy aren't you?" There was no reply. "You know, I could've totally handled that myself." A scoffing sound came from where he was standing.

"First of all, they call me the Omega. Second, yeah, you definitely had it all under control there. A gun to your face, no weapon in your hands. There's no way that could've ended badly at all." Sarcasm, and a bit of arrogance laced his voice. His tan face, lit up by only the pale street lamps on the street, meters away, held an expression of curiosity and humor. His golden eyes had returned to what you believed was their normal state, and in the dark alley looked completely black. Even in the unwelcoming circumstances, he had a very kind, attractive face. Gentle eyes, small smile, somewhat uneven, but prominent jawline. "A simple, 'thank you for saving my life kind stranger' is a perfectly acceptable thanks."

You rolled your eyes. "Mhhm, yeah, thanks, but maybe next time, don't." You retreated into the shadows once more, and slinked away. A hand fell upon your shoulder, and you instinctively flipped the owner of the hand onto their back. "Oh my god, you scared the living hell out of me."

"Well you slammed the living hell out of me." The Omega grunted from the ground. You held a hand to him, feeling a little guilty for what you did.

"You shouldn't have snuck up on me like that. How did you see me in the dark anyway? Was it those weird glowing contacts of yours?"

"Yeah. Something like that." He rubbed the back of his head.

"So what do you want?" You asked, hoping to get whatever he needed over with so you could go home and study.

"Well, I've seen you all over the news and media, it's about time I got to meet the only other person doing anything to stop crime in this city."

"Maybe another day wolfy, as of now, I've got to get home." You jumped upward, grasping onto the ladder that hung above you, and climbed onto the fire escape.

"Wait!" The Omega called out.

"What is it?"

"Meet me tomorrow at 5 after school? At Benny's?"

Smiling, you replied with, "Maybe, maybe not." Before crawling up the fire escape and disappearing into the night.
Hey, part two coming up as soon as I can. I'm really liking the concept of this imagine, maybe I'll turn it into something more? Also, please add "teenwolfnation" on snapchat. This idea was started by "werewolfimagines" on Instagram. Their plan was to have a Teen Wolf snapchat, where different people sign up to take over the snapchat each day. It's sort of a way to connect the Teen Wolf fandom more, and to introduce more people in the fandom, who maybe have the same interests and hobbies as you. I'll be taking over February 5th (US eastern time) and the "grand opening of the snaps" is February 1st (US eastern time).

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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