Little Things

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A very short filler imagine for you guys :)
AU where there is no supernaturalness going on. Scott is a very normal, not werewolf person. Although he doesn't have to fight the supernatural, he is struggling with fighting depression.
"It's the little things in this world that makes life so great. There's always so many bad things happening. Diseases, war, death. Sometimes I don't know why any of us want to keep living."

You and Scott were sitting on a little wooden bridge with your legs dangling over the edge, close to the creek water. The two of you were having one of your deep talks. You had those a lot. This time, Scott was the one rambling, putting his thoughts into words.

"But then I remember all the small stuff, the good stuff, and it's all worth it. I mean, we've got love, family, friends, but we also have the not so important things that make life bearable. Take this bridge for example. I have no idea who built this bridge, and it's not like I would die without it here, but it's here, and it makes my life better. Without this bridge, we wouldn't be sitting here, and if we weren't sitting here, we couldn't be having this talk right now. Our talks are important to me, they make me happy. I wouldn't be dead if I didn't have these talks with you, but I would certainly miss them a lot."

You nodded to show that you understood what he was saying.

"I used to think about it a lot, suicide, you know? What death would be like. I still do every now and then, but the funny thing is, it isn't the big stuff that knocks me back into my senses, it's all the seemingly trivial stuff."

Scott's eyes glazed over and tears gathered right by his lashes. You bit the insides of your cheeks, trying not to cry yourself. Scott rarely brought up his depression, even around you.

"I think about you, and Stiles, and my mom, and everyone really, and all the small things they bring into my life. I would miss hearing Stiles's obnoxious, but hilarious bantering. My mom, I would miss her so much. She always smells like the hospital when she comes home, and the days she gets to have dinner with me, well she'll try to make lasagna but we always end up ordering pizza. Pepperoni pizza with extra cheese, and if Stiles is over that night, we'll get a box of breadsticks too. I would miss all going to help Deaton at the clinic. He's always talking about mythology and all of these supernatural creatures. He doesn't know it, but I remember every story he's told me about werewolves and sirens and fox spirits. But god (Y/N), when I think of you...the way you smile with your eyes and laugh with all of yourself, the stories you tell that I never hear the end of because you're laughing too hard to finish it, the way you push out your bottom lip a little when you can't figure out a problem. I would hate to never hear your sweet sweet voice again, or to never catch you singing softly and always a little off key to every single song that comes on the radio, whether you know the lyrics or not. I could live a thousand lives on this earth and none of them would be anything without you. You are my little thing, (Y/N), my little big thing that makes everything worth it."

You smiled as a small stream of tears ran down your face. He took your hands in his and kissed them.  "I love you Scott."

"I love you."

Scott McCall ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin