Imagine Series 1 - I'm About to ask Someone Out (part 1)

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"It's been a few days already..I still don't know what to do about it."

"Simple..ask him out."

"You act like its that easy Isaac. I can't just..ask him out."

"Um yes you can."

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

"Walk up to him, and ask him out."

You sighed. Asking Isaac for advice about Scott was not getting you anywhere. The only thing he would say was to 'ask him out.'

"Isaaaaaaacccc." You drew out his name as long as you could. "Please, just tell me what to do."

"I just did. Ask. Him. Out." Isaac rolled his eyes and looked out the window. "If you like him, and he likes you, that's just the easiest way to solve it."


"Okay meaning you'll do it?"

"Yup. I'm going to do it. I am going to ask Scott out..on a date..yup..totally gonna do it."

You waved goodbye to Isaac and walked into the crowded hallway. Stiles came up beside you.

"Hey (Y/N). Are you going to ask Scott out yet?"


"Oh come on, that friend of yours, Izzy-"


"Whatever. He hasn't convinced you yet?"


"Oh come onnn. It's not that hard. Just walk up to him and tell him you like him."


"(Y/N) you're being ridiculous."


"God is nope the only word in your vocabulary?"

"Yup." You smirked as Stiles threw his hands in the air in an exasperated manner. Your smirk grew as you heard a faint, "I give up" in the background. As you say down on your usual seat, Stiles popped down beside you.

"Will you just think about asking hi-"


"Come on-"




"What if you-"


"oH MY GOD." Stiles sank down into his seat shooting dirty looks at you. Scott came through the door just as the bell rang and took his usual seat behind you.

"Hi (Y/N)." He shot you a bright smile as you turned around to face him.

"Hi Scott." You raised an eyebrow at his unwonted behavior. It was a bit more happy than usual. "You okay buddy?"

"Yeah..yeah I'm fine. I'm totally cooool." He gave you a thumbs up. You shook your head and grinned at him before turning to face the front.

Three hours and three extremely boring classes later, you were headed to lunch. You grabbed your tray, filled it with food, and headed towards a table. Scott was already sitting at home, his fingers tapping the table, smiling joyously in your direction.

"How was last period?" You asked as you sat down.

" was good." He widened his smile.

"Okay..that's good." You took a bite from your sandwich. "So..why are you acting so weird?"

"What? Me? I'm not acting weird." He tried to play it off cool, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm acting totalllllyyyyy normal."

"Scott." You looked at him with an interrogative expression.

"Fine. I am acting weird. Because I'm about to do something today."

"And what is it that you're going to do?"

He grinned cheekily. "I'm about to ask someone out?"

Your heart stopped. Stiles told you Scott liked you. You believed him. How stupid were you to believe him. Now Scott was about to ask out another girl..or guy. And you were here, thinking he liked you the whole time. You could feel blood rushing to your face, you felt humiliated. Scott must've noticed your expression because he spoke up.

"Do you want to know who I'm asking out?"

You gave him your most convincing smile and nodded.


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