The Guild Codex

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The Guild's Code

The First Code of the Guild is Unity
The Second Code of the Guild is Equality
The Third Code of the Guild is Collaboration

These three Codes define the fundamental pillars of the Guild's Creative Culture. All Members of the Guild will be expected to uphold and promote these values. Any members who violate any of these codes will be banned from the Guild.

Unity- the Members of the Guild will work together to create new works of "fiction", to promote the Guild across social media, and build an audience.

Equality- all Members of the Guild will have equal footing with each other, and all will have a fair say in the Guild's business.

Collaboration- Guild Members will work in teams of three when developing a Book from the Multiverse. All three Co-Authors will have All books will be guided by the artistic direction of the Guild Master- The Incorrigible MrZeppo.

The Guild's Councils

The Guild will be structured in the following, overlapping, Councils.

Council of Co-Authors- comprised of the teams of active Authors working on their book series.

Council of Editors & Artists- comprised of Guild Members who are more interested in supporting the Council of Co-Authors with their Editorial and Graphic Design Skills.

Council of Ambassadors & Admins- comprised of Guild Members who are more interested in supporting the Entire Guild by promoting the Guild on social media, and managing the Guild's Facebook Page and Management Group

Members of the guild will be allowed to sit on any/all of the Councils. Inactive Council Members will be given three warnings before being removed from the Council(s) they sit on.

The teams of Co-Authors will be selected by the Guild Master, based on the interests and strengths of each Author. Guild Members are always encouraged to submit assignment requests to the Guild.

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