[Part 3: The Softness of His Skin]

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It was the night Mark had asked you to go with him for a small trip so you two could spend quality time together and then things took a turn of events and you're now his girlfriend. You'd started to get packed and Mark helped you, he helped pick out two outfits for you, which were a gray loose sweater, with a pair of white skinny jeans and (your choice). While you two were packing together you may have hugged and kissed, a lot. Though you enjoyed it, of course and it looked like he did too.
Mark had to pack as well and so you ended up going with him. "(Y/n), I got your bags and things, check to make sure you don't need anything else!" He smiled at you and pecked your cheek as you smiled happily back. You did what he had said and checked to make sure you had everything you needed and you two left to go to his dorm.
~Time Skip~
You two were back at your apartment, and Mark asked to stay the night so, of course you said yes. It was a bit awkward with him staying the night when you had just become a thing, but you didn't mind his presence. You two decided to cook dinner, and Mark had suggested you two could make some vegetables over rice. So you had gotten out the vegetables and you started cleaning them off. While you were doing that you felt a kiss on your neck and arms around your waist. "I've always wanted to do that.." Mark smiled and laughed a bit as he laid his head on your shoulder. "You want to help me or are you just going to stand there hugging me?" You teased him and finished cleaning the vegetables, "H-hey.. (Y/n) could you help me with cutting these up..?" His face was red from embarrassment, "I'm not the greatest and I don't want to mess our dinner up.." You smiled and walked up beside him, you gave him the knife and guided his hands. "Your hands are really soft...." You mumbled not thinking, as you caught yourself and cleared your throat. Mark giggled, "Yours are too.. Can you keep helping me cut the rest of the vegetables...?" He grinned a bit and you laughed, "Of course, I don't want you cutting yourself or anything!" Which both of you knew was an excuse just so you two could keep the contact of your hands the same. (A few minutes later) After cutting up the vegetables you started to cook them as you helped Mark prepare the rice.
~Time Skip~
[ You had finished making dinner and eaten and it was about 9:30 p.m. ] "(Y/n) can we watch a movie?" Mark nudged your shoulder, "Oh heh, sure, what movie?" You asked as you sat on the couch and he sat beside you. "(Your favorite movie)?" You smiled at him, and nodded as you found the DVD and set everything up. It was only an maybe half an hour in and you started to fall asleep, and he could tell. "(Y/n)..? Do you want go lay down now...?" He turned and looked at you, to be honest you did but you said no and you two kept watching the movie. As twenty minutes went by you passed out and ended up falling over into his lap. Mark's face was red and he didn't exactly know what to do, first of all he thought you looked cute the way you slept so he didn't want to wake you up or move you, second he wanted to sleep together some how because he hated sleeping alone. [ Mark's POV (a/n) I won't be doing his POV but since you're asleep I thought it'd be cute)] Your cheek grew a little warm as (y/n) slowly fell into your lap. You looked down at her, (or your preferred prounoun) she was absolutely adorable when she slept. You didn't want to wake (y/n) so you let her sleep. Looking at her sleep you started to get tired as you kissed her forehead and whispered, "Goodnight.."
--Time Skip: Morning--
[Your POV]
You opened your eyes as you winked a few times to adjust your eyes to the sunlight as you realized you were laying on Mark's lap. You looked up at him with your (e/c) eyes and smiled. He was absolutely adorable when he slept, you sat up and kissed his cheek, you thought: Oh my gosh... His skin is... Extremely soft... You ended up keeping your hand on his cheek and just smiled at him as you whispered 'Good morning' to him. You turned and went to stand up as someone pulled you back. "Good morning, (Y/n).." Mark smiled and nuzzled his face into your neck, as you felt his warm breath creep down your back. You blushed a bit and smiled back, leaning your head on his. "Let me make breakfast real quick, so that we can get ready to leave.." Your voice was soft as you kissed his forehead and stood up to make breakfast. Mark nodded and let you go, as he stood up and went to the restroom to get cleaned up. You decided to make omlets for the two of you, since they were quick and easy.
-After you finished eating-
Mark and you finished eating and you washed your face and done your hair. It was about nije o'clock but the temperature hadn't risen much since eight, so you wore white jeans, a flowy (f/c) shirt and a black hoodie, with high tops. (A/N : I like changing it up from girly to tomboy for outfits. :P) You walked out with your bags (picnic stuff, games, etc.) and smiled at Mark as he smiled back, "Ready?" He asked you standing up. You nodded and you two cleaned up your apartment , and left.
Mark and you started talking about what and where exactly you wanted to go, and you had decided to go to the beach. It wasn't a bad idea and you had remembered to bring a change of clothes and your swimsuit. You decided to play some of Got7's songs, and you sang along with Mark. You loved the way his voice sounded especially when he sang in Fly. You didn't realize it but he had stopped singing along with you and you were the only one singing along. "You have such a soft and beautiful voice..." He smiled, of course still paying attention to driving. You blushed, and thanked him, bringing up a story from your childhood. "I've always had a liking towards singing, and my parents had told me the same thing.. That I had a beautiful voice and...." You started to tear up, remembering the harsh realization of who wasn't physically with you anymore.

A/N: I'm so sorry the third part took forever! I've been busy, since my birthday was just Wednesday and I've been planning for today for my party, but yeah! I hope you enjoyed this part! <33

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