Kieran x Chloe (litstucky)

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You sat on the front porch of your house just getting home from the lockdown at school. The day had been all over the place but the one person who usually kept you calm wasn't here.

This new killer had planted Jake's phone in your bag and after promising not to say anything, Kieran told the sheriff and you hadn't talked to him since.

Your phone had been blowing up with texts from everyone asking if you were okay and you texted them all back saying 'I'm fine' when in reality you were still pissed.

You knew you couldn't hide from Kieran long but you hadn't expected him to show up at your house. You were on your phone when you heard your name,


You head lifted and you saw Kieran in front of you. As much as you wanted to say you hated him, you couldn't because you still loved him. All of a sudden he sits beside you trying to get you to talk to him.

His face was expressed with upset, and you knew if you looked at him you would crack and fall into his arms.

"What do you want Kieran?" The words came sharp off your tongue and the tone made you slightly cringe.

"I was worried about you; you weren't responding to any of my texts." You could help but roll your eyes and turn to him.

"Well did it ever cross your mind that I'm still pissed at you?" You raise one brow.

So much has happened today, you didn't want breaking up with your boyfriend to be added to that list of horrible things.

"How many times do I have to apologise; I only did what I had to do."

"What you had to do? No, what you had to do was not break my trust, and as much as I would love to say that I hate you... I can't." You looked down and back up to his eyes.

"I know that I can't change what I did, but what can do to make it up to you? What can I do to earn back your trust?" His voice barely came out as a whisper but you could make out the words.

Kieran earning back your trust would be hard as it took him awhile to gain it in the first place but for now if he wanted to make it up to you.

"I don't know how long it will be for you to earn my trust back, you know how long it took for you to gain it into the first place. But..." you took a breath and you saw Kieran look to you.

"If you want to make it up to me, just stay with me for now. Knowing that you're here will take my mind off of everything that has happened." You smiled to him and he smiled back.

"Of course. I'll always be here for you." You heart skipped a beat as he pulled you into a hug.

You weren't going to resist a hug at a time like this, you were just thinking and hoping that you would be able to survive everything that's going to happen with this new killer.

As you pulled away from the hug you put your head on Kieran's shoulder hearing him whisper,

"I'll always be here to protect you."

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