Audrey/Eli x Scarlett (lovey81962)

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Scarlett's POV:

I've liked Audrey for as long as I could remember but I know she wouldn't never think of me in that way so I tried to let those feelings die down but that never happened so I just set them aside and tried to get over them. When Kieran's cousin Eli moved to Lakewood, I still liked Audrey in that way but feelings for Eli where developing. It was a massive problem for me as I liked two people who both treated me like I was their world, why do feelings have to be so complicated? I was in my room, avoiding all the homework I had to do, when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I shout and the door opens and Audrey walks in. I smile at her as I sit up and she gives me a small smile back and all those feelings I tried so hard to set aside resurfaced,

"Hey Scarlett, I really need to talk to you." I nod to her to come and sit next to me and she does so.

"What's up? You know you can tell me anything your my best friend." I cringe to say those two words but that's all we would ever be and I just had to accept it.

"I... I know but I have to tell you this... even if it may ruin our friendship. I hope it doesn't but..." Oh no... please don't say what I think your about to say Audrey. I thought I liked Eli but Audrey's always been there for me.

"I... I really like you Scarlett... and not in a best friend way." She was nervously stuttering and I found it really cute but I was speechless. What could I say? The girl I've loved for so long is finally telling me she likes me back.

"Audrey... I really don't know what to say." Audrey's face went to a state of panic...crap. That's not what I wanted to happen. I didn't really know what to say. I didn't want Eli to think that all this time I was just leading him on... but I've liked Audrey for so much longer. The choice seemed so simple but no matter the situation someone was going to get hurt... I just had to follow me heart and the choice came to me.

"Audrey!" she had gotten up and was almost out the door but I called her over. She turned to me and I stood up and walked to her,

"I've felt the same way for a long time." Audrey let out the cutest sigh that I've ever heard and she kissed me. It was short yet sweet and as she pulled away I gave her a small pout.

"Well thank god for that. Will you be my girlfriend Scarlett?" I smiled.

"Of course Audrey." Audrey got a text saying it was her parents and that she had to leave so I said goodbye.

3rd POV:

Little did Scarlett know that the text Audrey received wasn't her parents, it was the killer threatening to hurt Scarlett. Audrey was going to everything she could to protect Scarlett no matter the cost.

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