Eli x Chloe (litstucky)

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I had just arrived at Kieran's party that Emma was throwing for his birthday, even though I was pretty sure he didn't want one, I came as I was a good friend. When I arrived it just seemed as everyone was here but were waiting for Kieran to arrive so I went to find my friends. The first I saw was Emma, she was talking to Eli and I felt a ping of jealously so I decided to go up to them.

"Hey Em!" Emma and Eli turned to me and as Emma and I struck up a conversation I felt Eli staring at me however I shook it off. Emma had to go and check that everything was set up for Kieran's arrival leaving Eli and I alone so before I embarrassed myself in front of the guy I liked I decided to start walking to find some more of my friends until Eli called me back.

"Chloe, can I ask you something?" I was about to respond when I heard Emma call my name.

"I'm so sorry, maybe later?" I smile and Eli nods so I walk over to Emma and also Audrey. Stavo comes up to us handing us each a shot which I could defiantly needed and as soon as Kieran's walked in the door and everyone was shouting the usual 'surprise' as I downed the shot getting a weird taste and instantly feeling sick.

The night went on and everyone was puking everywhere and no one was feeling well when Stavo revealed to us that we were basically drugged... absolutely fantastic.

I was panicking so I went to sit on the couch that was in the lounge and just as I sat down Eli came into the room, as if he was looking for me to make sure if I was fine. He sat down next to me and I noticed he was sitting super close to me.

I don't know what it was that brought on such confidence, maybe it was whatever the drug was from that alcohol but the rush of courage tied in with the fact that Eli was already kind of leaning in led to kissing. It was at first slow but then it quickly turned to a passionate make out session and I was disagreeing to it. It lasted for a while and it could've went on a lot longer if the cops hadn't showed up. We pulled away as soon as the red and blue lights started flashing. We were both smiling and right before I left that night I had to talk to Eli.

"Hey Eli." He turned and smiled at me.

"Chloe! Can I finally ask you what I needed to ask you earlier?"

"Go ahead." I smiled however Eli looked nervous and he took a massive breath before saying;

"Will you go out with me?" I said yes and left the room but not before slyly sneaking my number into his pocket.

"Call me" I opened the door and was about to leave.

"Wait. I don't have your number." I smirked.

"Check your pocket."

I walked out the door leaving Eli with a smile on his face just as I had a smile on my face.

Maybe this night was so bad at all.

AN. Sorry this took so long but I hope you like it!

Scream Imagines & Preferences {ON HOLD}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora