Get to know me (tags)

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I have been tagged by NightFuryGirl12 AGAIN!!!!

Ok, so I need to publish 13 facts about myself:

1: I have three main obsessions: Marvel (mostly the movies though, I don't have a lot of access to the comics)

2: My all time favorite superhero is Spider-Man. I think Tom Holland is the best actor for Spider-Man, I know lots disagree, buuuuuuut he did an AMAZING job in Captain America: Civil War and I feel Spider-Man and Ant Man made that movie as amazing as it was.

3: I am also obsessed with Harry Potter, books and movies. I own Tales of Beetle and the Bard, Quidditch Through the Ages, and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I got Ginny Weasley's want from Ollivander's in Diagon Alley in Orlando, Florida. I also have a couple of chocolate frog cards, a time turner, a snitch, a Hedwig keychain, and a MARAUDER'S MAP!!! It is beautiful, amazing, and especially confusing😅.

4: Ronald Weasley is my all time favorite Harry Potter character. His character is sooooo much better in the book than the movies though. Like, he is hilarious, useful, and just all around better in the books. Come to think of it, a lot of characters are waaaay better in the books vs movies....

5: I am a proud Hufflepuff!!

6: The Maze Runner is my third obsession. Again, both books and movies. Books are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better, btw. The movies don't emphasize on much.... Like Thomas' relationships with other characters (Newt, Alby, Chuck...) and his and Teresa's telepathy....

7: My all time book crush is Newt from TMR😍😍

8: I am a big Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus fan. I have yet to read the Trials of Apollo and Mangus Chase.

9: I love Star Wars. Can't wait for Rogue One!!!!!

-finish re-reading Harry Potter (I'm on the Half Blood Prince at the moment)
-The Fifth Wave trilogy
-The Trials of Apollo
-The Virals Series
-finish Micheal Vey (as soon as the rest of the books come out😤)
-re-read A Series of Unfortunate Events
-the Mangus Chase series
-the Kane Chronicles
-Alex Rider series
-The Mortal Instruments
-I Am Number Four series
-Divergent Trilogy
-Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (that's what it is, right?)
-The Fever Code
Aaaaaaand I believe that is it. I also have a ton of side-reading that I do, like stories on Wattpad, comics, and other books that are not a part of a series. I can't wait to read The Rules by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie...

11: I love thrillers/horror stories as well as fantasy, sometimes romances, and fiction. Personally, I think any book is made 100 times better if it has a lot of humor in it, no matter the genre.

12: I have 2 younger brothers

13: I live on a deer farm, we currently have 9 adult deer and 5 fawns (which is a lot!) they are tame for the most part😁 And I have two cats, two German Shepherd dogs, a pet Rainbow (minnow) and a beta fish. Love them all!!

Thanks so much for reading, the next part is tagging people... Well, a lot of the people I WOULD tag have been tagged by this already, so I'm just going to do my best by tagging my followers... Yea that's not a lot buuuuuuut good enough. (Sorry if you've been tagged by this already)














Sorry, that's only what, 12? No, 13. Ok, here are the rules:

Post 13 random facts about yourself

It has to be in a book, not comments

You can't refuse the challenge

It has to be completed within the space of a week

Make the title something random (not sure what THAT means...)

Thanks for reading!!! Love you guys!!!

Oh, hey, if I didn't mention your name and you read this, then you're tagged too😏

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