Tagged (AGAIN)

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Soooo, I got tagged by WarWoman

What do you think of me? (WarWoman)

I think you're an amazing person, I love that you are into Marvel, Harry Potter, TMR, and are as big of fan girl as me. You are a really talented artist as well!! <3

What do you think of the Beatles?

Ok, I don't really listen to their music but when I was younger I was OBSESSED with Yellow Submarine XD

And I'm sure you'll be proud to know WarWoman that at one point someone said One Direction will be the next Beatles and I STRONGLY disagree even though I like their music (plus they're not a thing anymore soo)

Who is your favorite Beatle?

Hmm... I'm not sure...

What is your favorite Beatles song?

For childhood's sake I'll say Yellow Submarine

What is the most interesting part of history for you?

Huh... probably WWII because I love learning about all the aircraft. It's really heartbreaking reading stories about how people survived/were affected by it, though.

Where would you like to travel to?

I want to travel to New Zealand someday with NightFuryGirl12 and see the Hobbit houses and a kiwi bird. I also would love to go to Alaska and hike in the mountains and wrestle a grizzly bear.

If you could live in any era, when would it be?

That's a hard one.. I'm not sure! I kinda like where I am...

What is your favorite book?

Alright, my favorite individual book is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton but my favorite book SERIES is Harry Potter. I also love TMI, TID, TMR, PJo&HoO, A Series of Unfortunate Events, the list goes on XD

What subject is your favorite?

I'm going to assume you mean school..? I like Art and Biology. (I would just say science but I don't like chemistry or physics.)

Are you a pizza or pasta person?

PIZZAAAAAAA! I prefer just cheese as a topping, thank you very much.


I know more about WWII, and I love learning about the aircraft like I said earlier.

Do you like reading?

YUUSSS I love reading! I just wish I had more time to do it......

Do you prefer phones or books?

Probably books, but I do love the music and Wattpad on my phone.

So, I get to come up with some questions for YOU guys!

1: Who is your favorite super hero?

2: Would you rather give up books or music?

3: What is your favorite subject in school?

4: Are you an indoor or outdoor person?

5: What is your favorite app?

6: M&M's or Skittles?

7: Dogs or cats?

8: What is your favorite book?

9: Do you prefer TV shows or book series?

10: Showers or baths?

11: Do you like school?

12: If you could go anywhere for a month, where would it be?

13: Share one random fact about yourself.


Aaaand if you read this you can be tagged too if you want.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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