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I got tagged by Sun_Angel111 sooooo here it goes

Weird fact about me: I absolutely cannot stand coconut. The taste, the smell, the texture, everything. *shudders*

Favorite food: Probably Reese's Peanut Butter Cups❤️

First Fandom: hmmmm... That's a toughy... I always remember liking Star Wars

Best friends: I am blessed with NightFuryGirl12 EquippedA btriska parkerj31 hartwig15 and a couple others who are not on Wattpad. Love them all!!😘

Current lock screen: *see Wattpad profile picture*

Favorite OTP: My goodness, only one??Actually probably Scorose 🙄 (Scorpius Malfoy and RoseWeasley😍) you know, besides shipping myself and fictional characters................ I'm not crazy I swear...... *cough*

Birthday: May 31st

Five Fears (in order):
•Losing my family/loved ones
•Being alone
•Doing something horrible to someone so they are unable to forgive me
•Making a fool of myself
•Doing something I will regret

What I look like: Well, last time I looked in the mirror I saw a Hogwarts student staring back at me. Another time it was a Jedi, then a demigod.... see Fandom list in my profile for details

Favorite song: I can't choose right now... I love Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Halsey, the Chainsmokers...

Reason I made my account: I really wanted to share my stories with others and to support my fellow authors!

Now to tag some people...........

Well, I'm lazy right now and I know a lot of people don't like doing tags so you can do this if you want to.

Thanks for reading!!!

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