Moving In

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Chapter one

"You know what I want to know?" Solana asked me. "What." "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET A BEACH HOUSE FOR ALL OF US TO LIVE IN!!!" She screams at me. Jen laughs. "Remember, she spent a whole year working and getting experience, while we finished high school." Hannah said. I nodded. "Hey! At least we all made it into the same college!" Bella said. "Ok guys. I already have my room picked out. It's the one that has the word 'LES' on the door. You guys go pick out your rooms, and put these signs on the door. That way the movers will know what boxes go where. Now go! The movers will be here soon!" I told them. They ran off to go pick their rooms. Being a year ahead of them, I had to wait a year for them to get out of high school so we could all go to high school together. In that time, I saved up money and bought this house. It was a six bedroom house. With a big kitchen and dining room. With the extra bed room, was gonna be the game room. Filled with a smart TV and surround sound speaker. I made sure we had it all. I was just amazed we all made into the same collage.

I watched as the movers pulled up. "Are you Les Winter?" I nodded. "I am. So there are signs on the doors telling you what room is what. If you need help let me know. I bought drinks and food for you guys if you need a drink or snack." I told them. The man smiled. "Thank you so much Mam. That's very kind of you." "It's the least I can do. I mean, you are helping five girls move into a house. My mom told me you were really good movers." He smiled. "Well, we'll go ahead and get to work."

"Ugh!!!" I flopped down on my bed. I helped Jen with her books, then help Solana set up her TV, helped Hannah fix her computer, and helped Bella set up her desk. All after setting up my room. I had my bunk bed all set up, and my desk organized how I wanted it. I also had put up all my posters. Ranging from, Ash from the Iron Fey series, to  Five Nights At Freddy's Foxy poster. My walls were filled with all sorts of posters. "Hey Les!" I heard Solana call from her room. She had picked the bedroom right next to me. Saying 'We came binge watch Fairy Tail all night!' And who could resist that! "What!" I said walking over. "Can you help me put up these posters?" I looked at her bed to see all sorts of anime posters and Supernatural posters. I grabbed the one in her hand, opening it up I saw it was one of Grey Fullbuster from Fairy Tail. "If I see one of Natsu, I'm stealing it." I looked around the room and saw a poster of him on the floor. I ran over and grabbed it. Running out of the room, she chased me. "NO THATS MINE!" I laughed. "CANT CATCH ME IM THE GINGERBREAD MAN!" I said running out of the house and onto the beach.

"Food!" Hannah moaned. "Hand me my laptop." Jen said. Bella reached beside me and grabbed her laptop. "I vote pizza!" I yelled. She nodded and placed our regular. A medium cheese pizza extra cheese, a small pepperoni pizza, a large meat lover, and a medium cheese pizza. I handed her my debit card. "Here." She took it and payed for it. "Undertale?" Bella said. One of the things I got was Undertale. I got it so we could play it in the game room. I ran up their as fast as I could. Grabbing the controller. "I'm controlling!" I yelled as they ran up behind me.

"NO! I like Undyne! I don't want to kill her!" I said, agreeing with Bella. Hannah and Solana wanted to kill her, while me, Bella and Jen wanted to spare her. We were taking the neutral route. "Your out numbered!" Bella yelled. That well the door bell rang. "I got it!" Jen said running down. "Now the odds are even!" Solana yelled. "NO JUST BECAUSE SHE ISNT IN THE ROOM, DOESNT MEAN SHE DOESNT GET A VOTE!" I yelled. Hitting 'PLEAD'. As she attack me, Jen came in holding six boxes. "I also got wings and a giant cookie. I hope you don't mind Les." "I don't mind." As she set the boxes down. After dodging the attacks, I hit 'PLEAD' once again. "Bella. Pizza." I said, dodging more attacks. She opened the box that had my pizza in it. Cheese pizza, extra cheese. Taking a slice, she put it in my mouth. I nodded thanks, hitting 'PLEAD' again. I dodged more attacks. Still eating the one slice of pizza. "Try to spare her now." Hannah said. I hit 'SPARE'. It didn't work. And started dodging again. I hit it again. She attacked, and got me once. "Dang it!" I said, my voice muffled by the pizza, as my health with from 20 to 18. I continue to go from 'SPARE' to 'PLEAD', until eventually I need to raise the health. "What should we eat?" I asked. "'NiceCream'" Bella said. "No let's eat the pie!" Hannah said. "NO! We have to save that and the spider donut! They will help us in a fight later on!" Jen said. "I'm with Bella. Go with the NiceCream." Solana said. Hitting the NiceCream, I continued with the fight.

"Ok! That's it. I'm calling it a night. I'm exhausted!" I said, putting down the controller. I turned off the TV and headed to bed.

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