My first mission

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Chapter ten

"I don't understand all of this. I just want to go home, see Zeref and Hannah. They're always there to cheer me up." I said, hugging Natsu. "I know. Hey, why don't we go on a mission. It'd be fun. Plus, it'll be a good chance to show off your skills." She said. I laughed. Just then, the door slammed open, and a blue exceed flew in at high speed. "NATSU!!" It yelled, slamming into us. "HAPPY!" Natsu yelled, hugging it. I laughed. "Your like Zeref when I get home from surfing." He looked at me. "ZEREF!" I wiped a tear from my eye. "He's my cat. Every time I come home from surfing, he comes up to greet me. Meowing for a treat and stuff. He's really cute." "Oh! That's nice. Where were you Natsu!!!" "It was my turn to get sucked to the other universe. There I met Les." He said the last part looking at me. I blushed. "OOOOH! You Liiiiiiiiike her!" I laughed. Natsu blushed. "I'll let you two catch up." I said getting up.

As I walked into the guild, everyone stared at me. You can tell that word got around about me supposedly being Acnologia daughter. Now every time I walk around the guild, I get weird looks and stares.  I ducked my head down, and walked over and sat next to Levy. "Hey Nashi." I gave her a confused look. "We've nicknamed you Nashi. Cause your like the female Natsu." Lucy explained. I nodded. "You ok?" Lissana asked. "No. Every time I walk in, I get weird looks and stares. I'm not evil! I'm not even his daughter. I ain't from this world. It makes no sense! Plus I feel like Erza hates me. I don't want her to hate me." I said on the brink of tears. Levy gave mea hug. "It's ok. We know." Just then, Pantherlily jumped on the table. "Hey Lily! How'd the mission go?!" Lucy asked. "It went good. Laxus wouldn't stop yelling at Happy though." I giggled. Speaking of which, where is he?" Lissana asked. "With Natsu." I answered. She nodded. "Happy has been really worried about him." She explained. I nodded. "Ok Les, let's pick out a job." I jumped. "GOD! You scared me Natsu!" He laughed. "Come on!" He grabbed me hand and dragged me to the board. "What about this one? It seems easy. Kill a monster terrorizing a villages hunting grounds. It's for 30,000 jewels." Happy said. I nodded. "Works for me. Does it say what kind?" I asked. "No." "The almost never do." Natsu said. "Ok. Well, I'm fine with leaving now. I don't have anything to pack." I told them. "Well, I'm gonna go get my stuff. I'll meet you back here." Natsu said, as Happy handed me the flier. I nodded, walking over to Mira behind the bar. "Me and Natsu are gonna take this one, when he gets back with his stuff." I told her. She gave me a sweet smile. "Ok. Also, would you like a cloak our something like that?" "Of its not too much trouble, I would love that." I answered. She ran off and came back with a black cloak. "Thank you! Do you want some help?" I asked. She shook her head. "No I got it. Thanks though."

I giggled. "Poor Natsu." "Why don't you get motion sickness?" Natsu groaned. "I don't know. I honestly wish this thing went faster. I love roller coasters. So this isn't fast enough for me. Don't worry though, I think we're almost there." He gave me a weak smile. I kissed his forehead. "Awwwwww!" I glared at the blue cat. He put his paws up in surrender.

I knocked on the door, glad I had gotten the cloak from Mira. It was freezing here. Happy, hadn't read the part of the flier that said where it was. It was in the mountains. As the door opened, a young woman beckoned us in. "Come in! Come in! You must be freezing! I'll go get Master. Make yourself comfortable." She said, showing us inside to the living room. I sat down, Happy curled up in my lap. After a few minutes, a man walked in. "Hello! You must be the Wizards from Fairy tail. I'm Garroth Ekans." I smiled. "I'm Les, and this is Natsu and Happy."  "So, our main food source up here is deer, moose, and rabbit. Now or hunters, keep going missing. They're disappearing. Only a few have come back, and those that do, say that this giant monster is killing there groups. They can't even tell you much about what it looks like. But it's killing the hunters and the food. I was hoping you could kill the thing." He explained. I nodded. "We'll kill it for you." Natsu said. "Aye Sir!" We stood up, and headed to door. The maid opened it up for us, and we walked or, heading to the forest.

"P-Picking up anything?" I stuttered, my teeth chattering. He shook his head. "Not yet." We continued walking for awhile. Then I heard a twig snap in the distance. "Did you hear that?" I asked. He looked at me weird. "Hear what?" "You didn't hear that snap in the distance?" He shook his head. "It was probably nothing." I shivered. "Cold?" I nodded. He did the unthinkable, he took off his scarf, and wrapped it around my neck. I looked at him shocked. "You letting me use your scarf?!" He nodded. "Why wouldn't I let you use it? Your cold." "But. It's the scarf that Igneel gave you. You never take this off." "I trust you." I hugged him. I heard another snap in the distance. "Tell me you heard that." "What did you hear?" "I heard a loud snap coming from that way." I said, pointing to the right of us. "Then let's head that way." He said, pulling me the way I pointed.

We hadn't been walking to long, when there was a gust of wind, and a giant crack right in front of us. The tree in front of us, was laying on the ground, its roots sticking up. I looked at at Natsu. "COME AND FIGHT US, YOU COWARD!!" There was another gust of wind. Before us stood two men, and one women. Their skin was pale white. Eyes blood red. "Vampires." I muttered unseemly breath. "What did you say darling?" One of the men said. "I've read about you." I said. Natsu looked at me. "What now?" "Vampires." I repeated. "Oh! So we have a smart one! Cute too!" The woman said. "Looks like we have a snack that will actually fight back." One man said. "It won't be a hard fight David." The woman said. "Settle down. It's not polite to argue at the dinner table." "Ok! Enough talking!" Natsu yelled, hands not lit on fire. The man I know one as David smirked. "I like a good fight." I lit my hands on fire. "Come at me!" I yelled. The woman smirked. "Fine with me." She bared her fangs. I giggled. "I know how you work. This won't be easy." I said, running at her. "Fire Dragon: Iron Fist!" I yelled punching her in the face. Then kicking her in the stomach, feet aflame. She fell to the ground. "Why does this hurt!? Why ain't I healing?!" She screamed, leaning on a tree to get up. "You'll pay for that!" She screamed, running at me. She punched me in the stomach. I immediately blocked my face with my arms. I knew I wouldn't be able to dodge any of it. She was too fast. I lite my body on fire, making it so she would have to hurt herself to hurt me. When she went to punch me again, she screamed, stepping back. She brought her fist to her chest. "Fire Dragon: Roar!" I sent a blast of fire at her, she screamed in agony, until it stopped. And I knew the vampire was a pile of ashes. Stepping back I looked to see that Natsu had killed the one called David. That there was only one left. "I see you two managed to kill David and Lorena. I can guarantee that I won't be as easy." The last man said, right before running at me. And sinking his teeth into my arm. I screamed, immediately lighting myself on fire. He pulled back, his mouth burnt to a crisp. "Fire Dragon: Wing Attack!" I screamed slashing my arms at him. Leaning against a tree, I felt tired. Happy came over and helped me sit down, as Natau finished the guy off.

I snuggled against Natsu's chest as he knocked on the door. The door opened, and the maid let us in. "I'll go get Master." She said, as we sat on the soft couch. "You're done already?!" Garroth said surprised. I nodded. "It was a few vampires. Nothing too hard." I said. He looked at me. Shock written all over his face. "Wow. You Fairy Tail wizards really are powerful. Well, it's very late. So why don't you two spend the night here. I can give you reward in the morning." I nodded. "That would be lovely, Sir." He smiled. "Mary, can you shoo these two to the guest room please?" The maid, now know as Mary, nodded. Motioning for us to follow, she lead us to a huge room. "Thanks." Natsu said, then dumped me on the bed. Sitting up, I took off the scarf, and put it back around his neck. Happy giggled. I ran over to him, grabbed him, and threw him on the bed. He gave a little scream. I smiled, jumping on right next to him. Natsu laughed. He jumped on top of me. I screamed as he started tickling me. "Stop! Please! No tickles!" I screamed. He laughed, continuing to tickle me. Soon Happy started to help him. "This isn't fair!" I yelled, laughing. They just laughed at my torture.

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