Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“The golden oreos are so much better than the normal ones!” Tyler argued, stomping his feet.

We were in the middle of a supermarket, arguing for the third time this week about what kind of oreos we were going to buy.

“Are you serious? Don’t you have taste buds? The normal oreos taste way better!” I argued back emphasizing ‘way’.

Tyler never let me buy the normal oreos. Not even a pack. Why? It’s because, and I quote “I’m not gonna let you waste your money on those crap mainstream oreos. They’re too sweet.” Too sweet my bum.

“Oh, puh-lease babe, you’re just too mainstream,” he said slinging his arm around my shoulder and put a bottle of pepsi in our basket.

Me? Mainstream? Oh no. It's just- what kind of creature like the golden oreos. It’s like vanilla inside out. Nu-uh. Not gonna happen.

 “Am not,” I said stomping my feet.

 By now people were looking at us, no, more like staring, no, glaring.

“Is too.”

“Am not”

“Is too”

“Am not”

“Is too”

“Am not”

“Is too”

“Am not”

“Am not”

“Is too”

“HA! You fell for the trap. You are too mainstream Cece baby,” he said patting my head.

What am I, his pet?

I pivoted out of his sight to the next aisle, pretending to be mad. I grabbed some chips and threw it into the basket.

“Oh come one Cee, I’m sorry. You can buy a pack of those precious mainstream oreos of yours. One pack of-“

“Aww! I love you tyebear” I squealed, giving him a big bear hug. 

Before he could answer, I made my way to the biscuit aisle.

Oreos oreos oreos. My precious oreos. What if there are oreo unicorns. Unicorns that turn everything to oreos. Oreo river with fish-shaped oreos, trees with oreo fruits. That way I can have my endless supply of oreos. Wait no, infinity supply. No, I don’t know which one is more? If I have an endless supply, will I get oreos after I die too? I mean, I would love to eat oreos in hea-

“Ugh”  Someone- Wait, a guy? Yep, the grunt definitely belongs to a guy.

I snapped back out of my imagination and realized that I just bumped into a guy. A hot guy to be exact. A hot guy from school to be more exact. One of the hottest guys in the school to be more more exact. Or like what Hailey said and I quote for the second time today, “Ah he’s the hottest guy in this whole universe. Even hotter than Zac Efron. Or maybe not. Or maybe yes. Oh I don’t know. 

Yes ladies and gentlemen, children and babies, Kyle Evans was standing right before my eyes, even though he had been skipping school for the past week (and it was the first week back after the summer holiday).

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